A Great Culture

LCMS Michigan District Conference on “Church, State and CULTURE”

Last Saturday I attended a conference on the topic of “Church, State and Culture.”  All three noteworthy speakers observed that the culture in America today truly is “post-church.”  It’s no longer the norm to go to church and practice the Christian faith.  Many Christians believe we can and must stop this trend through political means.  Others are holding their heads in hopeless despair.  However, all three speakers on Saturday took a different approach.  They pointed out that this post-church culture is nothing new and that God is still God and the Gospel is still our constant hope and joy.  In fact, NOW is the perfect time in America for the Christian message to be welcomed by individuals who are experiencing the heartache and pain of a post-church culture.

I agree completely!  People are eager to hear some good news that addresses the emptiness of living the American dream based only on what we achieve and experience and feel.  As clear evidence to this, last Friday night I helped Heather host a free date night at our church.  We had a capacity crowd of 24 couples who eagerly came to learn of God’s way for their relationship and to enjoy putting it into practice.  They all raved about how much they enjoyed the evening and how it blessed their relationship.

The prophet Isaiah says, “For the fool speaks folly, … to utter error concerning the Lord, to leave the craving of the hungry unsatisfied, and to deprive the thirsty of drink.”  (Isa. 32:6 ESV)  Yup.  That’s a good description of American culture today.  It’s also why the message of life in God’s way is being received so eagerly.  People are hungry and thirsty.  Jesus and His way of love are just what they need.  We Christians are in a great place and time to give it to them!

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Moms’ Night Out

Last night Heather and I had the privilege of viewing a pre-release screening of a new movie called  Moms’ Night Out.  This comedy was full of laughs as it showed many realities of motherhood and family life.  It’ll be a great movie to see when it comes out on Mother’s Day weekend.  I encourage husbands to treat their wives by taking them or allowing them to go with some other moms.

WARNING!  The movie also had some somber reminders of some of the pain that goes along with our attempts to live life in God’s way.  We WILL fail as parents …  as husbands and wives … as the Bride of Christ.  AND, others WILL fail us.  One line in the movie really hit home.  The “pastor’s wife” in the movie thanked two other moms for inviting her out for a night with them.  She said, “This is the first time in five years that any of the women from church have invited me to go out with them.”  This line immediately brought a pained expression and a tear to Heather.  Noticing, I asked her what she was feeling.  She said it really wasn’t that she’d never been invited out, it was just that it’s sometimes hard to be married to “the pastor” and to carry all the baggage that goes with it … often unnoticed by the world.  I knew I couldn’t “fix” it, but I held her hand, kissed her and reminder her of how much I appreciate and love her.  Still, my heart ached because I know how much she sacrifices for me every day.

Thankfully, the movie had several clear reminders of the UNCONDITIONAL forgiveness and love of Jesus for us … just as we are.  It also reminded me to ENJOY Christ’s love and laugh MUCH more.  Through our failures, He STILL loves us and promises us perfect relationships in the New Creation.  In the mean time, it would do us all good to laugh at life a whole lot more 🙂

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Contrasting Voices

This past week I was disgusted by the reports that came out from the Grammy Awards.  In a very loud and bold show, the world’s view of relationships was celebrated.  This view was clearly in total defiance of God’s plan for marriage to be the life long union between one man and one woman.  It was also made clear that, in the eyes of the world, if you say it loud enough and get enough people on your side then it MUST be true!  I, however, beg to differ.  God’s Word still stands.  God’s way is STILL the best way.  Many faithful throughout the earth STILL believe this.

Courtesy of Jeffrey Beall


As an example that should be noted, I point to someone who will be viewed by millions this coming Sunday night.  In the Super Bowl, Peyton Manning will be the starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos.  Although he won’t be screaming, singing or even talking about it much, he will be LIVING what he believes.  He will be living with his focus on JESUS first, family second and other things, including football, after that.  Although I certainly don’t know the details of Manning’s faith, I admire him for one thing.  He is letting his humble behavior be a witness to the world of what matters to him most; following the Lord in all of life.

Don’t believe what the world screams at you.  Keep your ears open to the still, small voice of the Lord that continues to sing with TRUTH for your life.  Watch for the bold witnesses who are STILL putting Jesus first, even if they don’t shout about it.  Let the joy of the Lord be your strength to show the world that you will continue to live your life in God’s way.

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KFUO Radio Interview

This past Tuesday I was interviewed live on KFUO AM radio by Andy Bates, the host of the daily “Faith-n-Family” program.  I thoroughly enjoyed being able to share God’s awesome way for ALL our relationships.  I basically summarized, in one hour, the heart of this Life in God’s Way blog-site.  If you listened in, great.  If not, you may want to go listen to the show now by finding it on the KFUOAM.org archives.  Or, even more simply, you can go directly to the archived program by CLICKING HERE.

I’d love to hear your feedback from the show.  Here’s what one of my congregational members had to say after listening …

Hi Pastor,
I listened to the Faith and Family program on my computer yesterday. You did an excellent job! You didn’t sound nervous at all. Your devotion and expertise on the subject of marriage and family God’s way, was very evident. The only thing missing on the radio, is the passionate intensity in your eyes that people couldn’t see, as you spoke of God’s plan for marriage. I know how you long for people to “get it!”  
I have never really thought about a Christian marriage as being a reflection of the relationship our God wants with all people……. He loves unconditionally, forgives, keeps His promises (faithful), and is always there for us. It’s what all married couples desire. 
Next time someone asks me why [my husband] and I still love & like each other after 50 years of marriage….I’m going to say, “if you think our relationship is remarkable, you ought to try living in a committed relationship with our Lord……it’s the example we strive for and it will bring unimaginable blessings to your life!”  
God bless you and Heather in all that you’re doing for Him.

Let me know if you agree, disagree or have something else to share.  What matters most to me is that more people are receiving the perfect love of Jesus and then sharing that love in all their other relationships.

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Snow Doors

Doors.  They can close us in and shut others out.  They can let us out and welcome others in.  Too often in my neighborhood, doors isolate us from each other.  However, 18″ of snow can change that!  This last Sunday and Monday we received enough snow to prevent anyone from entering or exiting our subdivision.  While this can be bad in some ways, it can also be good.  The good from this storm was the doors it opened to my neighbors.  I had the opportunity to go OUT my door and shovel some snow (I do actually enjoy this … fresh air, no phone, good exercise).  I also had the opportunity to dig out some neighbors who weren’t able or prepared for the job.  In doing so, several of their doors OPENED to me in a way they wouldn’t normally.  I was able to have some great conversations with some who are normally too busy running here and there and everywhere.  I was also able to bring comfort to the elderly neighbor who just lost his wife.  Best of all, several of the conversations turned to matters of God’s power and love.  Without any “intrusion” on my part, I was able to speak of the goodness of God.  Doors that were usually shut were opened to receive this good news.

Living life in God’s way isn’t about being rude and intrusive.  It’s about recognizing the doors that the Spirit is opening around you every day.  And, when the doors are opened, to exit our own comfort zone in order to bring HIS comfort to someone else.

I love snow days!  I love snow “doors.”  I love being able to take Jesus into those open doors.  That’s life in God’s way.Snow Door

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Crystal Clear Priorities

On the Sunday before Christmas, we were hit by a major ice storm that knocked out the electricity for most of the homes in our area.  The early predictions were that power could be out for up to a week.  Since it was well below freezing outside, I was concerned about many issues: my family staying warm, our pipes freezing, the food in our refrigerator and freezers going bad, elderly neighbors being safe, members from church being hungry, cold and sick, the church building having issues with only half power, what to do about the many worship services planned for the week, etc.  As I slept in a cold house that Sunday night, I prayed for wisdom and clarity from the Lord on how to align my priorities for action.  The “Thumbs Up” illustration helped me once again.

I set out to get my family to warmth and safety first.  After draining all the pipes in our house, I sent my family and most of our cold food to Heather’s parents’ home an hour away since they did have electricity.  Once I had them to safety and the home “closed up” for the long haul, I was free to attend to the church family.  I checked on the sick and needy and helped arrange for generators or alternate lodging where needed.  I made decisions about usage of the church building including worship services and other activities.  I also went to check on my neighbors and make sure they were all safe and receiving what they needed to get through.

This whole situation was new.  I’d never experienced such a large scale power outage in below freezing temperatures.  Although my first reaction was fear and confusion, it helped to put things in the order of Jesus, wife, family, church family and others around me.  As I turned to the Lord for guidance FIRST, He gave me wisdom and peace of what to do next.  Instead of “freezing up” with fear, the love and wisdom of the Lord set me free to love those around me.  Especially in times of crisis, it ‘s useful to understand life in God’s way.

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Tiny Blessings

One privilege of my job is being able to visit with the 2, 3 and 4 year old children in our preschool and “Tiny Tots” programs.  This week I had a wonderful interaction with a special little 2 year old whom I’ll call “Mary.”  Mary is always a delight as she squeals with joy every time she sees me and comes running to give me a big smile and hug.  On Monday I found the 2 year old class on their way to have their picture taken in the stable we had set up for our “Journey to Bethlehem.”  Mary, dressed as the virgin Mary, insisted on taking my hand as we walked together to the stable.  She was telling me all about the baby Jesus who had been born in the stable.  When we were setting up for the group picture, I was able to snap this photo of Mary holding the baby Jesus.Chloe Mancini as Mary 2013

Her very serious countenance reflected the awe she felt over holding baby Jesus.  It reminded ME to have such simple faith that can still appreciate the awesome gift of Jesus, our Savior.  The awe of the moment soon overwhelmed little Mary and she was afraid to hold the baby any longer.  But, Mary trusted me and let me hold baby Jesus in front of her.  So, in the rest of the pictures, my hand is there underneath Jesus, as Mary adored his little head with her own little hands.Chloe Mancini as Mary w ME 2013

This reminded me of another important privilege and responsibility of us older disciples of Jesus.  We’re to hold up Jesus before the little ones.  Even though Jesus is love incarnate, He may be unfamiliar and even frightening to little ones.  However, Jesus is more readily received when He’s lifted up by a trusted grown up who’s taken the time to build an incarnate relationship with the child.  I thank God I had this opportunity with Mary.  It was a HUGE blessing to me.  I also thank God for parents who fulfill this responsibility for their little ones on a daily basis.  In such a relationship, everyone is blessed by Jesus “in the flesh.”

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An AWESOME Christmas Gift

By Hacklock

This Christmas season I’m already thankful for an AWESOME Christmas gift.  No, I’m not going back to the simple Sunday School question, “What’s the greatest gift of Christmas?” to which the obvious answer is “JESUS!”  Of course, that’s absolutely true.  But, next to Jesus, the most AWESOME gift I’ve received on earth is, without question, my dear wife, Heather.  I too often take her for granted.  But, on this day leading up to Christmas, I’m reminded of how blessed I am to have her as my wife.  This struck me as I pondered all those around me who have lost their spouse this past year.  As they face Christmas alone, they’re struck with the painful incompleteness of being without their other half.  I’m reminded to never forget how wonderful it is to have someone who loves me so completely … sacrificially, unconditionally and incarnationally.

Prov. 31 says it well …

10 An excellent wife who can find?
She is far more precious than jewels.
11 The heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of gain.
12 She does him good, and not harm,
all the days of her life.  …
30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

If you’re privileged to be facing this Christmas with a spouse at your side, please slow down and thank God, and your spouse, for the gift.  You may say, “It may be a gift, but mine’s defective!”  To this I reply that EVERY gift in a sinful world is defective to one degree or another.  But, the forgiveness and power of Jesus can and WILL bring healing to even the most dysfunctional marriage.  And, by Christ’s power, the delights in the gift begin to outshine the defects.

Slow down.  See the gifts you ALREADY have.  REJOICE in the AWESOME gift of a godly spouse … this Christmas and always.


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Family Christmas Traditions

A great way to celebrate the love shared in a Christian family is to observe special Christmas traditions together.  One of my favorites since childhood is certainly to go to Christmas Eve worship with my family.  Another tradition that has developed since I married Heather was to write an annual Christmas letter to family and friends.  For our first Christmas as husband and wife 19 years ago, I got creative and wrote “The Biermann Brief.”  This little “newspaper” shared pictures and news articles from our previous year.  We received so many positive comments on our “Biermann Brief” that we wrote a second issue the following year … and haven’t missed a year since.  The name is the same, but the production process certainly has changed.  That first year, I was physically cutting and pasting pictures and trying to get the best black and white copy possible with the available copiers of the day.  This year, I was able to download digital color pictures in a matter of seconds and crop them to fit the template with ease.  Production is so much easier, but the content is still developed the same as in the past.  Heather and I reflect on all God’s rich blessings to us over the previous year; both highs and lows.  We then select the most significant and order them in a way that will help us always remember what God has done for us in the year about to end.  We enjoy sharing this with others, but it is especially beneficial to us.  Our love grows as we take time to reflect and thank the Lord together.

I pray that your family can share some tradition that will draw you together in shared reflection and thanksgiving to God.  May the love in your home grow as you observe a tradition that turns your eyes to the God of love together.

Since I may have raised your curiosity about the “Biermann Brief,” I decided to share a link to the 2013 installment here.  I share it not to brag or bore you with all of our activities, but to give you a glimpse of one of our traditions.  Perhaps it will inspire your family to continue or develop your own traditions.  Whatever you do TOGETHER will certainly bless your family in God’s way.

The First Picture from "The Biermann Brief" 2013

The First Picture from “The Biermann Brief” 2013

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Running for Chocolate

Team Faith ... Ready to Run

Team Faith … Ready to Run

Last Saturday, on a BLUSTERY, FREEZING, early winter morning, a brave team from Faith Lutheran Church, including the 9 pictured above, joined together to run for a very noble cause … CHOCOLATE!  We all successfully completed the 5K “Grand Blanc Chocolate Run.”  And, yes, there WAS chocolate.  Chocolate candy.  Chocolate chip cookies.  Chocolate dipped pretzels.  Chocolate sports drink.  Even a chocolate fountain with things to dip … pretzels, fruit, potato chips, marshmallows, rice crispy treats, Oreos, graham crackers.  There was also a post race scavenger hunt through town to various businesses that provided free chocolate items including fudge and chocolate shakes.  Ahhhhh, it was a bit of heaven on earth 🙂

But, that wasn’t the best part of the race.  It was wonderful to run with fellow members of the Faith family.  We were all physically and emotionally supporting each other in the healthy habit of exercise; taking care of “the temple of the Spirit.”  Okay, Okay.  The chocolate wasn’t so healthy, but there were MANY training days without chocolate that led up to this day.

Best of all for me, personally, was running the race with my wife and two children; our first race as a family.  I was so proud of the work we’d done to prepare and to then overcome the challenge.  It gave us a visible reminder that we’re in this life together.  We can and will overcome any obstacles that come our way as we lift each other in prayer and encouragement and receive God’s strength.  It was a vivid illustration of life in God’s way.  We shared sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love as we trained and ran the race.  It wasn’t just a race for chocolate.  It was an experience we’ll always remember.  We’re not alone in this race of faith.  We WILL overcome with Christ who gives us the victory.

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