Quality Time IN Quantity Time

By gleasonmj

The church building was shut down this past Monday and Tuesday due to a storm and power outage.  I worked at home those two days.  You’d think this would have yielded some quality time with my family.  Sadly, this didn’t work out.  I was so busy calling people to cancel events, reschedule activities, beg the power company to have mercy on us, etc. etc., that I probably spent LESS time with my family than usual … even though I was under the same roof.  When this was brought to my attention, I was convicted.  Without spending a certain QUANTITY of time together, there just was NOT any opportunity for any QUALITY interactions to occur.  Thankfully, my family is merciful and gracious.  I sought and received forgiveness.  We’re looking forward to some time together for my day off tomorrow.  I’m sure that in the midst of this extended QUANTITY of time together, God will provide us with some QUALITY interactions as well.

All these thoughts fit well with what Rev. Dale Meyer shared in his “Meyer Minute” on Nov. 13th, 2013.  He wrote, “I fondly remember evening meals when I was growing up near Chicago.  Every meal started with grace and then we dug into whatever Mom had prepared.  We also dug into conversation.  Most of the table talk was mundane, quickly forgotten.  But you know, that’s when God did – and still does – some of His best for a family.  When you’re gathered around a meal, talking about everyday things, there’s always an opportunity to share a good word with one another from God.  Today many families seldom eat together because of the press of busy schedules.  We’ve justified it with a false distinction between quality and quantity time.  You need both.  Recommitting to the old habit of family meals gives quantity time from which quality moments spring.  You’ll find it one of the most effective tools for good parenting and better marriages.  Awaiting you is more than the grace of the mealtime prayers.  The greatest grace awaiting you in family meals is that in the midst of everyday talk you can share with one another God’s words of help and hope.”

I thank God for the opportunity to spend QUANTITY time with my family that yields some great QUALITY time.  I’m glad my family loves me enough to remind me to do both.

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Absolutely, Marriage Isn’t for You

An 11-3-2013 blog entry by Seth Adam Smith appeared in The Huffington Post recently.  It’s been shared far and wide since then.  It’s words ring true to what I’ve been saying for years, based on God’s Word.  The title of the post is “Marriage Isn’t for You.”  At first, a reader might think the post is going to promote just living together or having endless extra-marital affairs.  REFRESHINGLY, to the contrary, Mr. Smith shares some wonderful advice he received from his father as he was anxious about the prospect of getting married.  His wise father said, “I’m going to make this really simple: marriage isn’t for you. You don’t marry to make yourself happy, you marry to make someone else happy.”  That’s what God teaches as He directs us to sacrificial and unconditional love.

Mr. Smith, now speaking from the experience of one and a half years of joyful marriage, continues in his post by saying, “My father’s advice was both shocking and revelatory. It went against the grain of today’s ‘Walmart philosophy’, which is if it doesn’t make you happy, you can take it back and get a new one.  No, a true marriage (and true love) is never about you. It’s about the person you love–their wants, their needs, their hopes, and their dreams. Selfishness demands, ‘What’s in it for me?’ while Love asks, ‘What can I give?'”

How refreshing to hear some words that support the Truth of God … and from The Huffington Post no less.  There’s still hope for marriage.  I thank and applaud Mr. Smith and say with him, “ABSOLUTELY!  Marriage isn’t for you.”  But, when two people enter into marriage with this attitude, also drawing on the forgiveness and strength of Jesus Christ, the joyous result is a lifelong marriage filled with contentment, peace, comfort and joy that far exceed the fleeting happiness of this world.

Seth Adam Smith and wife, Kim

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Life in God’s Way – Bible Study 8

In this final summary lesson, we’re reminded that God’s Word gives us SIMPLE and MEMORABLE guidance for marriage and all our other relationships.  Most of all, Scripture directs our attention to Jesus as the one who relates to us perfectly and teaches us how to relate to others.  Having received the free forgiveness and perfect love of Jesus, we’re able to pass along this SIMPLE and MEMORABLE message to others in word and action so they, too, can enjoy the healing and strengthening power of the Gospel in ALL their relationships.


Read Mark 12:28-31

1.  When it comes to relationships, our highest priority should be placed upon what relationship?

2.  How can we grow in this primary relationship?


Read Eph. 5:31, Ex. 20:12 & Gal. 6:10

3.  Based on these passages and what you’ve learned in this study, discuss your level of agreement with using the “Thumbs Up” illustration* as a way to remind us of the general order in which we should prioritize our relationships with God and man.  *[The “Thumbs Up” illustration matches all our relationships with the fingers of your hand in prioritized order as follows:  Upright Thumb = Jesus/God, Forefinger = Spouse, Middle Finger = Children & Extended Family, Ring Finger = Church Family/All Christians, Pinky = Everyone Else in the World.]

4.  Using the “Thumbs Up” illustration of relationship priorities, find a partner and take turns explaining relationship priorities to the other in 2 minutes.


Read Eph. 5:31-32

5.  What are the three aspects of love that Jesus, as the perfect husband, shows to us in the Christian church as His beloved bride?

6.  To what degree do these three aspects of love apply in marriage and then also in ALL our human relationships?

7.  Describe how the terms SACRIFICIAL, UNCONDTIONAL and INCARNATIONAL seem to be fitting descriptions of the type of love Jesus has for us and we are to have for one another.

8.  Verbally describing a triangle labeled at each point with one of the three terms in question 7, find a partner and take turns explaining loving relationships to the other in 3 minutes.


Apply the insights of this lesson to your life.

1.  Share an example of how you’ve been able to use the “Thumbs Up” illustration to remind you or someone around you about relationship priorities.

2.  Share an example of how the “Thumbs Up” illustration led you or someone around you to the perfect and comforting love of Jesus.

3.  Think about and possibly share an instance in which you INTEND to apply the “Thumbs Up” illustration to guide you or someone around you to the comfort and guidance of God’s way for all relationships.

4.  Share an example of how you’ve been able to use the illustration of a triangle marked with SACRIFICIAL, UNCONDITIONAL and INCARNATIONAL LOVE to remind you or someone around you about the way God intends for us to show love in all our relationships.

5.  Share an example of how the “Triangle of God’s Way to Love” illustration (just described above) led you or someone around you to the perfect and comforting love of Jesus.

6.  Think about and possibly share an instance in which you INTEND to apply the “Triangle of God’s Way to Love” illustration (just described above)  to guide you or someone around you to the comfort and guidance of God’s way for all relationships.

LinGW Logo 2012-10  Pray:  Jesus, thank you for loving me perfectly, especially for giving me complete forgiveness for all my relationship failures.  Guide me to prioritize my relationships properly with you on top.  Lead me to love others with your sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love.  Fill me with the daily joy and peace of living all my relationships in your way.  Grant that the Gospel hope I receive from you will overflow through me to everyone around me.  Amen.

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Life in God’s Way – Bible Study 7

When it comes to understanding what God teaches about relationships, it’s fitting to spend some time focusing on those who may feel left out.  This study will look especially at the relationship concerns of the single person who is too young to be married, divorced, widowed or older, but never married.  God certainly has a deep love for every one of these people as well.

Life in God’s Way … A Bible Study

Rev. Dr. Todd A. Biermann

LESSON 7:  Relationships for the SINGLE PERSON in God’s Way

By TheeErin

Read Mark 10:13-14; Luke 21:1-4; James 1:27; John 8:3-11

1. What do these passages all teach about God’s attitude toward people who are not married?

2. What special concern does God have for those who appear to be maligned, trapped or desperate because of their single status?

Read Matt. 9:15; Rev. 19:7; Rev. 22:17

3. According to these passages, how does Jesus relate to EVERY Christian, even those who are single?

4. Are single people in any way “inferior” by comparison to those who are married?  Are there social/relational factors that may make them feel this way?

Read Eph. 5:31-32

5. Can single people be fully part of the Christian church, the bride of Christ?

6. What comfort does this passage give to the single person as it describes the way that Jesus loves His bride, the church?

7. How can this passage be applied in bringing a Gospel witness to the single people around us?

8. Explain how the application of this passage to single people might be useful in keeping some from choosing to enter into behaviors or relationships that are against the will of God.

9. How could every Christian act more regularly in an incarnate way to bring the love of the Bridegroom, Jesus, to those who are single (young people, widows, widowers, divorcees, never married)?


Apply the insights of this lesson to your life.

1. If you’re single, consider/share how it brings you comfort to be claimed as the bride of Christ.

2. If you’re married, consider/share how your marriage relationship can be a living (incarnate) picture for everyone, even single people, to see how Jesus loves us.

3. Share some specific ways you have reached/will reach out with the sacrificial, unconditional and incarnate love of Jesus to those in your church who are divorced, widowed or not yet married.

4. Share some specific ways you have reached/will reach out with the sacrificial, unconditional and incarnate love of Jesus to those in your life who are outside of the Christian faith and are divorced, widowed or not yet married, esp. if they are currently in a relationship that is against God’s will.


Pray:  Jesus, my perfect Husband, use me to bring your love and comfort to those who are not married. Help them to receive your sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love in a way that will keep them from feeling unloved or inferior to others.  Preserve us all in your perfect love until we share with you in the great wedding feast awaiting us in heaven.  Amen.

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Life in God’s Way – Bible Study 6

God’s Word provides us with SIMPLE and MEMORABLE guidance for marriage and all our other relationships.  Most of all, Scripture directs our attention to Jesus as the one who relates to us perfectly and teaches us how to relate to others.  This study considers how receiving the perfect love of Jesus and guiding others to do the same gives us clear and important PURPOSE in life.

Life in God’s Way … A Bible Study

Rev. Dr. Todd A. Biermann

LESSON 6:  Simple PURPOSE for Life

Read Eph. 5:31-32

1.  Describe the three key actions that shape marriage in God’s way and that also provide helpful direction for all relationships.

2.  Describe how Jesus has loved us perfectly according to the three actions you just described in question 1.

3.  How successful are you at keeping your relationship with Jesus as your highest priority, receiving his perfect love on a regular basis?

4.  How have you been successful and unsuccessful at loving everyone in your life according to the three actions you just described in question 1?


Read John 1:29; John 3:16; Matt. 11:28; John 14:6; Isa. 54:5-8

5.  How does the Gospel in these passages give us comfort and hope in the face of our relationship failures, both with Jesus and with the people around us?

6.  Why is it true that everyone needs the Gospel comfort provided in passages like these as they consider their relationships?

7.  What “tough love” teaching may you have to give to others regarding their relationships before they’ll be ready to receive the Gospel comfort of passages like these?


Read John 13:34; Col. 3:12-14

8.  How can your example of living relationships in God’s way provide the correction that others may need for their own relationships?

9.  How can your example of living relationships in God’s way provide the comfort that others will need for their own relationships?


Read Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8

10.  How can your example of living relationships in God’s way be used by the Holy Spirit to create and/or preserve saving faith in Jesus Christ?

11.  Explain to what degree you both AGREE and DISAGREE with this statement:  Our simple purpose in life is to always receive the sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love of Jesus and to then show that same love in our relationships with our spouse, family, fellow Christians and everyone else (in that order).


Apply the insights of this lesson to your life.

1.  Describe how your relationship with Jesus Christ has contributed to your contentment and fulfillment in life?

2.  Describe how relating to others as Jesus relates to you has contributed to your contentment and fulfillment in life?

3.  What insights does this lesson provide concerning our approach to evangelism and missions?


Pray:  Dearest Jesus, thank you for loving me with perfectly sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love.  Give me purpose in life as I pass along your love in all my relationships with others.  Grant that living according to this purpose will bring contentment and joy to me and all those whom I love in your way.  Amen.

By Brad Knabel

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Life in God’s Way – Bible Study 5

Incarnational love.  What’s that?  It’s hard to even say it.  What it simply means is that God teaches us to love people “in the flesh.”  We are to care for the physical well-being of others.  Jesus did it to perfection.  And, because He did it, Jesus now forgives us for our failures in this way.  Jesus also guides us on how to better show INCARNATIONAL love.  We turn now to His Word.


Life in God’s Way … A Bible Study

Rev. Dr. Todd A. Biermann


Read Matt. 1:23

1.  What’s significant about the physical birth of Jesus and His name “Immanuel?”

2.  In what ways does Jesus use physical, INCARNATE action to show His love during His earthly ministry and still to us today?  (See Mk. 8:23-25, Mk. 6:41, Mk. 10:15-16, Matt. 20:18-20, Lk. 24:38-40, Matt. 28:19, Lk. 22:19-20)


Read Matt. 28:20

3.  In what ways is Jesus still with us “in the flesh” yet today?

4.  What comfort do you, personally, receive from the INCARNATE love of Jesus?


Read John 15:12-13

5.  What is the ultimate way that we can love someone “in the flesh?”

6.  Following the example of Jesus, what are other ways we can love one another INCARNATIONALLY on a regular basis?


By Neil Lathwood

Read Eph. 5:31-32

7.  In what sense does INCARNATE love play into the marriage mandate for a husband and wife to “become one flesh?”

8.  What does St. Paul say about the importance of sexual union between a husband and wife in 1 Cor. 7:3-5?

9.  Jesus never united with anyone sexually, yet Eph. 5:32 indicates that He fulfilled the marriage mandate perfectly in His “one flesh” union with His bride, the church.  What does this teach about the ways in which a husband and wife are to express their “one flesh” love?  How does this open the door for us to show INCARNATE love, as Jesus did, in ALL of our relationships?


Read 1 Cor. 10:16-17

10.  How can sharing in the Lord’s Supper with someone draw us together in INCARNATE love?


Apply the insights of this lesson to your life.

1.  How have you failed to show INCARNATE love to those around you?

2.  What actions can you take to better show the INCARNATE love of Jesus in all your relationships?

3.  How are you staying in a “one flesh” union with Jesus Christ and how is this a comfort to you, especially in light of your failures at INCARNATE love?

4.  What comfort does the INCARNATE love of Jesus give to you as you consider your pending physical death?


Pray:  Jesus, my INCARNATE bridegroom, thank you for loving me “in the flesh.”  Forgive me for failing to care for the physical well-being of those around me.  Lead me to love others “in the flesh” as you have loved me.  By my physical care for others, may I show them how you care for their physical well-being now and forever.  Amen.

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Life in God’s Way – Bible Study 4

When He instituted marriage, God taught that a man is to “hold fast to his wife.”  This establishes that UNCONDITIONAL love must be at the heart of a marriage relationship.  As we consider ALL our relationships with others, we’ll note that such unconditional love is important there as well.  Of course, once again, we’ll consider the example and power we have in Jesus Christ when it comes to choosing to love others unconditionally.

Any feedback or questions you have on this study are encouraged (either in a comment at the end or by way of an email to me at tabiermann@gmail.com).  I’d be glad to respond to you and I’d also like to use constructive feedback to improve this study for later usage.


Life in God’s Way … A Bible Study

Rev. Dr. Todd A. Biermann

LESSON 4:  Choosing to Show UNCONDITIONAL Love

Read Phil. 2:8

By of Contemplative Imaging

1.  Jesus did more than just die a normal physical death.  How far was He willing to go in order to show his love for all people?


Read Rom. 8:34-39

1.  What conditions has Jesus placed on his love for us?

2.  Is there any force inside of us or outside of us that can keep Jesus from loving us?

3.  The love Jesus has for us is based on His conscious choice to love us unconditionally and is much more than a feeling.  Explain what this means and the comfort it gives.


Read Eph. 5:31-32

1.  As the perfect husband, Jesus gives us a picture of the way a husband should love his wife.  What does this teach us about the mandate God gives for a husband to “hold fast to his wife”?

2.  How is the unconditional love of Jesus also instructive for every relationship we have with others?  (Consider John 15:12)

3.  What conditions might tempt us to stop loving someone?

4.  How can the unconditional love of Jesus help us address the conditions we will, as sinners, place on our love toward others?


Read Eph. 5:33

1.  Showing unconditional love requires us to be conscious of the needs of the other person.  What might be some differences between the needs of men versus women?

2.  Gary Chapman has written about our “five love languages.”  He indicates that everyone tends to gravitate more to one or two of these languages than to the others.  How can it be useful to understand these love languages when it comes to making the choice to love others unconditionally?


Read James 1:19

1.  What roles do spoken and written dialogue play in our choice to love others unconditionally?


Apply the insights of this lesson to your life.

1.  Describe some ways you have chosen to place conditions on your love for God and others.

2.  What has helped you improve with your follow through on your decision to show unconditional love?

3.  Since unconditional love is not natural and it goes against much of what we learn in this world, what (who) is the best resource and guide for such love?

4.  Will Jesus ever refuse to hear our pleas for forgiveness when we fail to love unconditionally?  What comfort does this give?


Pray:  Dearest Jesus, thank you for loving me unconditionally.  Forgive me for the many conditions I set on my love towards you and others.  In the freedom and joy of your forgiveness and love, guide me to the decision to love others as you have first loved me.  Amen.

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Life in God’s Way – Bible Study 3

God’s Word teaches that a husband is to “leave his father and mother” to enter into marriage.  This introduces the concept of SACRIFICE into marriage (and all other relationships).  Sacrificing our own selfish desires for the sake of another is not easy.  We will fail.  But, the perfect “sacrificer” and husband, Jesus, has forgiven us for such failure.  He gives us the power to forgive one another and build stronger relationships.  This Bible study will focus on the importance of SACRIFICE and FORGIVENESS in building strong and lasting relationships.

Any feedback or questions you have on this study are encouraged (either in a comment at the end or by way of an email to me at tabiermann@gmail.com).  I’d be glad to respond to you and I’d also like to use constructive feedback to improve this study for later usage.


Life in God’s Way … A Bible Study

Rev. Dr. Todd A. Biermann

LESSON 3:  Simply SACRIFICIAL Relationships

Read Eph. 5:31

  1. What sacrifice does God expect of a man on his wedding day?
  2. Every relationship requires us to sacrifice our own selfish desires in order to focus on the needs of the other person.  What things might a person have to sacrifice in order to focus in love on his/her spouse?  What things might a person need to sacrifice in order to focus in love on any other relationship?
  3. How has selfishness and a refusal to sacrifice hurt a relationship in your life?

Read John 15:13

  1. How did Jesus show the greatest kind of love for us as His bride?
  2. What comfort do we have from Jesus when we fail to sacrifice for others as we should?

Read James 5:16

  1. What does this verse teach us to do when we know our selfishness has hurt our relationship with someone?
  2. How is saying “Will you, please, forgive me?” different from saying “I’m sorry.”?

    Photo by Vic

Read Luke 17:3

  1. What are we to do if someone asks for our forgiveness after his/her selfishness has hurt us?    What kind of sacrifice might be necessary in order for us to forgive someone?
  2. Although forgiveness is to be freely granted to the penitent, this doesn’t totally erase the hurt that has been caused.  What should and should not be done to work toward reconciliation after forgiveness is granted?

 Apply the insights from this lesson to your life.

  1. How has a refusal to sacrifice your own selfish desires been hurtful in your marriage? …in another relationship? …in your relationship with Jesus Christ?
  2. What steps can you take to resolve the separation caused by your selfish behavior?
  3. How can/has the daily practice of “confession and forgiveness” be/been beneficial to your marriage? …to your other relationships with people? …to your relationship with Jesus Christ?

Pray:  Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for sacrificing yourself on the cross to pay for all my sins.  Please forgive me for my selfish ways that have separated me from you and others around me.  Help me to be reconciled with those I have hurt through my selfishness.  Lead us to your renewal, peace and joy as we celebrate your forgiveness and follow your way of sacrificial love each day.  Amen.

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Life in God’s Way – Bible Study 2

In the following study, God’s Word gives us guidance for the prioritization of all our relationships.  While not necessarily providing hard and fast rules, it does provide some helpful guidelines that are  simple and memorable.  As an introduction to this study, you may wish to review my blog post on “Relationship Priorities.”

Once again, any feedback or questions you have on this study are encouraged (either in a comment at the end or by way of an email to me at tabiermann@gmail.com).  I’d be glad to respond to you and I’d also like to use constructive feedback to improve this study for later usage.

Courtesy of “MyEyeSees”


Life in God’s Way … A Bible Study

Rev. Dr. Todd A. Biermann

LESSON 2:  A SIMPLE Way to Prioritize Our Relationships in God’s Way

Read Mark 12:28-31

  1. What relationship should be first in our life and why?
  2. Which relationships does Jesus group together as being of second importance and whom does this include?
  3. The prior lesson focused on the institution of marriage as the first and only social institution that was established by God prior to the fall into sin.  What implications might this have on the priority of the marriage relationship in comparison to all other human relationships?

Read Eph. 5:31

  1. In God’s institution of marriage, what other relationship is specifically mentioned and what implication does this have about the importance of this other relationship?  How does Exodus 20:12 fit with your answer?
  2. While God clearly places a high priority on the relationship between a child and his/her parents, what does God’s wording in the institution of marriage teach about the priority of the marriage relationship in comparison with all other extended family relationships?

 Read 1 Cor. 12:12&13

  1. What does this passage teach about the importance of our relationship with fellow believers in Christ?
  2. What does Gal. 6:10 teach about the importance of our relationship with fellow believers in Christ as compared to our relationship with those outside the church?

Read Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 12:31; Gal. 6:10

  1. What do these passages teach about our relationship with those who are not yet fellow members of the body of Christ?

 Apply the insights from this lesson to your life.

  1. Based on this study, discuss the pros and cons of prioritizing our relationships in this order:  Jesus, Spouse, Children and Other Extended Family, Church Family, Everyone Else in the World.
  2. How could it be helpful to have a simple and memorable idea of relationship priorities in mind when it comes to handling our daily interactions with God and others?
  3. When it comes to our efforts to properly prioritize all our relationships in life, what comfort is there in knowing that our first relationship is with Jesus, our SAVIOR?

Pray:  Dear Jesus, help us to always put you first in our life.  Next, help us to properly prioritize the time and energy we spend on our relationships with all our “neighbors” in this world.  When we fail to prioritize our relationships in your way, forgive and renew us through our number one relationship with you.  Amen.

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Life in God’s Way – Bible Study 1

By George Bannister

Everything in this blog and the Life in God’s Way material comes directly from the principles in God’s Word, the Bible.  I’ve had requests for a simple Bible study to guide understanding of this material.  Participants in our Marriage in God’s Way seminars have also requested follow up materials to be used for continued learning.  So, my plan is to invite readers of this blog to help with the creation of such a Bible study.  For the next several weeks, I’ll be sharing ROUGH DRAFT lessons from this study.  I invite readers to use the material as much as you wish.  Look at one question or complete the whole study.  Most of all, I invite your feedback … either in comments to the blog or in emails to me at tabiermann@gmail.com.  Your comments and questions will help to shape this new study.  I’d appreciate comments on content, structure and practical application.  I’m especially looking for your REAL LIFE STORIES that illustrate the themes of the study. Please remember that I may use your material in the final Bible study book, so please let me know if you wish for you or the subjects of your stories to remain anonymous.

NOTE that the final study will include introductory pages with each lesson to present the themes of Life in God’s Way.  This material will reflect much of what has been written previously in this blog, particularly on the “Introduction” page of the site.  If you’re a regular reader, you’ll likely have all the background you need to have a fruitful study using the draft guide below.  If you’re a new reader, I encourage you to review the items on the “Introduction” page.  Or, just jump right in and work through the study.  I’d be interested in what insights might be gained by someone who uses this study with no background at all.

THANK YOU in advance for being my “guinea pigs” on this material.  For me to write this study entirely on my own would yield a limited perspective.  I believe God can teach me and all of us a lot more if we join our minds and hearts in a mutual study and development process.  That’s why I also plan on a “live” testing phase of the study.  Then, the final Bible study will be a much more useful tool.  It will certainly be more helpful to people from all walks of life who are “hungering and thirsting for righteousness.”

So, enjoy “perusing” or fully “using” the study below and in the weeks to follow.  Then, please give me your feedback via “comments” or my email (tabiermann@gmail.com).  Join me in praying for the end product to be a tool that will guide many more to the bounteous riches of Life in God’s Way.


Life in God’s Way … A Bible Study

Rev. Dr. Todd A. Biermann

LESSON 1:  God’s SIMPLE Way for Relationships

Read Gen. 2:24, Matthew 19:5 and Eph. 5:31

1.  What’s the focus of these three verses?

2.  Summarize the three key aspects to marital love according to this passage.

3.  Why is this simple message repeated in exactly the same way at these three points in Scripture/history?

4.  What does this passage teach us about Jesus Christ and our relationship with Him (note also Eph. 5:32)?

5.  Why is this passage “Good News” for us?

6.  How can this passage be applied to ALL our relationships with others?

7.  Can you come up with any creative ways to remember the three simple points of guidance for relationships as revealed in this passage?

8.  How is the SIMPLE message of this passage particularly helpful to us (consider both a Law and a Gospel response)?


Apply the insights from this lesson to your life.

1.  How does this lesson challenge you … in relationship to Jesus … in marriage … in all your relationships with others?

2.  How does this lesson comfort you … in relationship to Jesus … in marriage … in all your relationships with others?


Pray:  Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for claiming us as your beloved bride and for giving us your perfect love.  Forgive us for refusing to submit to your love and for failing to share your love with others.  Forgive us, renew us and inspire us with your love.  Lead us to live out every relationship in life in your way according to the simple guidance you have given us in this study.  Amen.

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