Tag Archives: Simple

Book Released

Handing Out Life is now available for purchase (CLICK HERE TO SEE IT ON AMAZON).  This is the book that I’ve been thinking about for over 10 years and that I put to paper last fall.  It summarizes the key … Continue reading

Posted in Bible Study, Character, Congregational Life, Family Life, Living Single, Marriage, Relationship Priorities, Sex, Step-families, Teen Life, Witnessing, Worldview | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Simple Hope for LCMS Families

Joe Isenhower Jr. wrote the following in the LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) News for 2-23-2016, “A clear message emerged from the Feb. 12-13 meeting of the LCMS Board for National Mission (BNM) here — the need to strengthen Lutheran families.” … Continue reading

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About My Book

Last week I finished writing a book that summarizes the teachings that I share on this blog regarding marriage and relationships in God’s way.  In my last blog post I commented on my struggle with the decision about a publisher. … Continue reading

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Jesus’ Simple KISS

Everyone baptized in the name of Jesus Christ is part of the church, His “Bride.”  He cherishes us and lavishes His love on us.  Though He may not come to us in the flesh to give us a tender kiss … Continue reading

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Life in God’s Way – Bible Study 8

In this final summary lesson, we’re reminded that God’s Word gives us SIMPLE and MEMORABLE guidance for marriage and all our other relationships.  Most of all, Scripture directs our attention to Jesus as the one who relates to us perfectly … Continue reading

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Life in God’s Way – Bible Study 3

God’s Word teaches that a husband is to “leave his father and mother” to enter into marriage.  This introduces the concept of SACRIFICE into marriage (and all other relationships).  Sacrificing our own selfish desires for the sake of another is not … Continue reading

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Life in God’s Way – Bible Study 1

Everything in this blog and the Life in God’s Way material comes directly from the principles in God’s Word, the Bible.  I’ve had requests for a simple Bible study to guide understanding of this material.  Participants in our Marriage in … Continue reading

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