By George Bannister
Everything in this blog and the Life in God’s Way material comes directly from the principles in God’s Word, the Bible. I’ve had requests for a simple Bible study to guide understanding of this material. Participants in our Marriage in God’s Way seminars have also requested follow up materials to be used for continued learning. So, my plan is to invite readers of this blog to help with the creation of such a Bible study. For the next several weeks, I’ll be sharing ROUGH DRAFT lessons from this study. I invite readers to use the material as much as you wish. Look at one question or complete the whole study. Most of all, I invite your feedback … either in comments to the blog or in emails to me at tabiermann@gmail.com. Your comments and questions will help to shape this new study. I’d appreciate comments on content, structure and practical application. I’m especially looking for your REAL LIFE STORIES that illustrate the themes of the study. Please remember that I may use your material in the final Bible study book, so please let me know if you wish for you or the subjects of your stories to remain anonymous.
NOTE that the final study will include introductory pages with each lesson to present the themes of Life in God’s Way. This material will reflect much of what has been written previously in this blog, particularly on the “Introduction” page of the site. If you’re a regular reader, you’ll likely have all the background you need to have a fruitful study using the draft guide below. If you’re a new reader, I encourage you to review the items on the “Introduction” page. Or, just jump right in and work through the study. I’d be interested in what insights might be gained by someone who uses this study with no background at all.
THANK YOU in advance for being my “guinea pigs” on this material. For me to write this study entirely on my own would yield a limited perspective. I believe God can teach me and all of us a lot more if we join our minds and hearts in a mutual study and development process. That’s why I also plan on a “live” testing phase of the study. Then, the final Bible study will be a much more useful tool. It will certainly be more helpful to people from all walks of life who are “hungering and thirsting for righteousness.”
So, enjoy “perusing” or fully “using” the study below and in the weeks to follow. Then, please give me your feedback via “comments” or my email (tabiermann@gmail.com). Join me in praying for the end product to be a tool that will guide many more to the bounteous riches of Life in God’s Way.
Life in God’s Way … A Bible Study
Rev. Dr. Todd A. Biermann
LESSON 1: God’s SIMPLE Way for Relationships
Read Gen. 2:24, Matthew 19:5 and Eph. 5:31
1. What’s the focus of these three verses?
2. Summarize the three key aspects to marital love according to this passage.
3. Why is this simple message repeated in exactly the same way at these three points in Scripture/history?
4. What does this passage teach us about Jesus Christ and our relationship with Him (note also Eph. 5:32)?
5. Why is this passage “Good News” for us?
6. How can this passage be applied to ALL our relationships with others?
7. Can you come up with any creative ways to remember the three simple points of guidance for relationships as revealed in this passage?
8. How is the SIMPLE message of this passage particularly helpful to us (consider both a Law and a Gospel response)?
Apply the insights from this lesson to your life.
1. How does this lesson challenge you … in relationship to Jesus … in marriage … in all your relationships with others?
2. How does this lesson comfort you … in relationship to Jesus … in marriage … in all your relationships with others?
Pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for claiming us as your beloved bride and for giving us your perfect love. Forgive us for refusing to submit to your love and for failing to share your love with others. Forgive us, renew us and inspire us with your love. Lead us to live out every relationship in life in your way according to the simple guidance you have given us in this study. Amen.