Tag Archives: balance

Life in God’s Way – Bible Study 2

In the following study, God’s Word gives us guidance for the prioritization of all our relationships.  While not necessarily providing hard and fast rules, it does provide some helpful guidelines that are  simple and memorable.  As an introduction to this … Continue reading

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End of Summer Blues

Yesterday was my 49th birthday.  I should be happy I still have another year before, as my daughter informed me, I’ll be “old.”  But, since childhood, my birthday has usually been accompanied by a bit of sadness due to the … Continue reading

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18 Years of Blessings!

On June 3rd my marriage to Heather will have reached adulthood.  This is our 18th wedding anniversary.  Now that we’re past adolescence, I can say with delight that our marriage has, indeed, matured and improved.  We’ve grown in wisdom and understanding … Continue reading

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Make It a Date!

Last week we had the privilege of hosting 20 couples at our church for a “Romantic Dinner” complete with candles, nice music, free food and guided conversation.  The couples all raved about how wonderful it was to be on a … Continue reading

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Family Time

Tomorrow I’ll be on my way for a much needed vacation with my family.  Although we’re not going to the Super Bowl, we’re taking advantage of it being in New Orleans.  We got a great deal on a western Caribbean … Continue reading

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“… Priceless”

Hotel – $100.  Dinner at Old Train Station – $50.   Memories made – PRICELESS!  That pretty well summarizes my last 24 hours.  Ever since the movie “The Polar Express” came out a few years ago, Heather and I have … Continue reading

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Relationship Priorities – An Introduction

The brave knight stepped forth, clad in his suit of armor, and extended his hand to receive the most important tool of his trade; his mighty broadsword.  As his faithful servant held the handle toward him, the knight carefully set … Continue reading

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