
Golden CalfWhenever something “good” becomes what’s “best,” we may be worshipping an idol.  That’s a thought that rose to the surface as I was having a discussion today with some other pastors about the book Center Church by Timothy Keller.

You’re probably quick to agree.  Sure!  When people take a good drink of wine and make it the “best” way to deal with problems, then it’s an idol.  When people take a good job with a great income and let it become the “best” solution to every money problem, then it’s an idol.  When someone takes a good hobby like golf and lets it become the “best” way to spend every free minute (including during the time for worship), then it’s an idol.  Makes sense, right?

BUT, we who would never do such things may easily become smugly self-righteous … and overlook our OWN “best” idols.  They can sneak up on us whenever we get our priorities out of whack (recall the “Thumbs Up” order).

When “good” music we love as part of worship becomes the “best” part of worship that overshadows everything else, esp. Jesus, then it’s an idol.

When “good” sports and activity programming for the kids becomes the  the “best” part of their church involvement and there’s no place  for Jesus, then it’s an idol.

When “good” couples’ programming at church causes husbands and wives to see each other as the “best” part of life, even more important than Jesus, then it’s an idol.

ANYTHING “good” that becomes “better” than Jesus and is the “best” thing we have, is an idol.  We’re all guilty of having such idols.  It’s easy to do.  It’s one of the greatest weak spots for Christians.  We want to pursue what’s “good” in life.  We know this pleases the Lord.  But,  our sinful nature loves to take control and push us over the line of what God calls “good” … and we stumble into “best” idolatry.

Here’s what I need to do, and I pray you’ll join me.  Receive, again, Christ’s free forgiveness for my idolatry.  Pray that He’ll guard me from it.  Enjoy all the “good” things in life.  Then, every day, keep my priorities clear with thanks and praise to the ONE who is “BEST” … my perfectly loving and forgiving Lord and Savior, Jesus.

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I’ve always enjoyed spending time on the farm with my cousin, Aaron, in northeast Nebraska.  A few years ago I helped him lay down a new wood laminate floor in his living room.  Earlier this week I saw my dad who lives near my cousin in Nebraska.  Dad handed me what you see below and asked, “Do you recognize this?”

A Sad Gift

A Sad Gift

I immediately knew just what it was.  It’s a piece of the laminate floor that I had helped Aaron lay down in his living room.  My dad then told me that Aaron had handed it to him as a “gift” for me on the evening of June 16, 2014 … just hours after a huge tornado had destroyed the entire farm.  Nothing bigger than this remained.  Just looking at the piece of floor still makes my heart sick.

Yet, I share this story because there’s a silver lining to the storm cloud.  Aaron and his two children who were at home with him at the time took shelter in the basement of their house.  By the grace of God, they climbed out of the rubble without any serious injuries.  As I talked to Aaron soon after, he said, “God watched over us.  We lost our house and farm, but it was just stuff.  We still have what matters most … each other and God’s love.”  Aaron and his family have always had a clear understanding of life’s priorities.  Jesus is first and family comes right after that.  When we have those things, we’re truly wealthy and blessed.

It’ll be hard to go back to the farm in a few weeks and see how much is gone.  But, it’ll be a joy to go back and perform the wedding for my cousin’s daughter.  Life goes on.  What matters most endures.  The love of Jesus is constant.  His love is still uniting his children in marriage.  Praise the Lord for He is good … all the time!

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MORE Music to My Ears

Last year at this time I wrote about the blessings of our VBS (Vacation Bible School) week here at Faith Lutheran.  I noted that it was “music to my ears” when several children asked me for a Bible of their own.

Vacation Bible School 2014 at Faith, Grand Blanc

Vacation Bible School 2014 at Faith, Grand Blanc

Today I have to follow up with MORE “music to my ears.”  This morning as I was chatting with several of our VBS kids, I recognized one of them as a girl who asked me for a Bible last year.  Before I could say anything about it, she blurted out, “I’m still reading my Bible.”  She ran over to her bag and pulled out the very Bible I had given her last year … now ragged and dog-eared.  What a beautiful sight!  It was great to see that she hadn’t just “gone through the motions” of VBS last year and then forgotten it all.  She had put her faith into practice and had allowed the Lord to change her life daily.  I was awed and inspired.

I pray that we can all have such conviction.  When God’s Word moves you to a closer walk with Him … stay there!  It’s so easy to drift back to our own way.  Our loving Bridegroom soooo wants to walk closely with you all the time.  Follow the example of my friend from VBS and DELIGHT in the Lord’s love daily.  By the power of the Spirit, your smile may just grow as big as that little girl’s I saw this morning 🙂

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A Peep Show

Last week I got away with all my in-laws for some long-needed vacation time.  I had a great time focusing on my thumb and first two fingers.  Using the “Thumbs Up” illustration, that means I reconnected with Jesus, my wife, my kids and several of my extended family members.  I did NOT worry about my duties in the church.  It was WONDERFUL to not be responsible for decisions beyond what to eat or which family member to take out next in the canoe.

One of the best parts of the trip was simply laughing about silly little things.  A prime example was the great time I had around the fire pit one evening.  It started with s’mores.  You know … the delicious combination of a roasted marshmallow, chocolate and a graham cracker.  However, my sister-in-law, Lisa, had been planning something special for this trip for a long time.  Since Easter she’d been saving several packages of marshmallow “Peeps.”  Little yellow chicks made out of marshmallow covered in sugar.  Turns out, these little guys roast up really well over a campfire to make the perfect center for a tasty s’more.  As several of us were roasting our Peeps over our outdoor fireplace, I made the comment, “Hey, it’s  a Peep show!”  My wife and her three sisters burst out laughing and thought that was a hilarious notion.  Soon, they were all around me with their own skewered Peeps and my mother-in-law was snapping incriminating pictures.

Our "Peep Show"

Our “Peep Show”

So, before these pictures appear elsewhere, I felt compelled to include one here and put a positive spin on our little “Peep show.”  Here’s my best shot 🙂  If roasting marshmallow Peeps with the family I love can get us all to laugh and forget about any other worries in life for a while, then I say roast away and call it whatever you want!  My advice to everyone out there who’s worried about all of your troubles and relationships and responsibilities is this; get some Peeps; roast away; have a “Peep show;”  laugh a lot!  It’s good for your relationships.  It’s good for your soul.  AND, it tastes great too.  Peep!  Peep!

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Vacation or Vaccination?

Next week I’m heading on a vacation.  However,  when I’ve told some people where I’m going, they say it sounds about as much fun as having a vaccination.  You see, I’ll be spending a week in northern Michigan sharing a house with Heather, Hannah, Micah … Heather’s parents … her 3 sisters … their husbands … and one niece.  The mention of all these relatives sharing a home for a whole week makes some people cringe.  They can’t stand to be around their in-laws for a couple hours, let alone a whole week.

However, I’m actually eagerly anticipating this week away.  I thank the Lord that I get along very well with all my in-laws.  I really do enjoy spending time with them.  Does that mean we don’t have any differences?  No!  We sometimes disagree.  There are also times we agree to do our own thing for a while.  BUT, we all share one main thing in common … a focus on Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  This certain faith draws us all together as the bride of Christ.  We know His love and show His love.  This factor compels us to sacrifice our selfishness and forgive one another when we do hurt each other.  It leads us to accept each other unconditionally.  It prompts us to delight in spending time in the physical presence of one another.  Sharing a common “Thumbs Up to Jesus” view on life draws us together in true love.

All this having been said … I still invite your prayers that we have a great vacation.  Even brothers and sisters in Christ can drive each other crazy at times … especially if it’s rainy and we can’t get away from each other for our “personal time” along the way.  So, pray for sunny weather and Christ-like attitudes.  I was just at the doctor and he said I’ve had enough vaccinations 🙂

Happy together on a prior family VACATION!

Happy together on a prior family VACATION!

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Time with Your Teen

Parents often lament the trials of raising a teen.  They complain that they just don’t know their child anymore.  It’s very easy for parents to become separated from their teen-aged children.  Those teens are torn by so many feelings as they’re trying to fit in with peers, obey parents, have fun, succeed in life, accept their body and honor God … all at the same time.  It’s not surprising when parents become frustrated with their “confused and distant” teenagers.  My advice to the parents of teens is this:  accept your child UNCONDITIONALLY, regularly let your child know you DO accept him or her unconditionally, pray for your child continually, choose to spend time with your child often and SACRIFICIALLY.

Faith Youth & Parents at Mackinaw

Faith Youth & Parents at Mackinaw

Building on that last point, let me tell you about the awesome experience I just had the first half of this week.  Heather and I, along with two other dads, had the privilege to accompany our teen children to a church youth gathering on Mackinac Island with 1000 other teens from all across Michigan.  Some parents say they could never do that because their child wouldn’t want them to be there.  I say, “DO IT ANYWAY!”  Although teens will often push back against mom or dad being around when they’re with their friends, it has always been my experience that both the teens and the parents eventually appreciate the huge blessing of such time together.  The four parents on this Mackinac trip ALL were so thankful we had this opportunity to watch and hear and share with our teen children.  Every one of us grew closer to our teens.  Although our children may not have acted all that excited about us being there, we could see the signs that said “thanks for loving me enough to be here.”

The teen years are a time when our children ESPECIALLY need to know that we will SACRIFICE our comforts and time to be with them.  They need to know that we will accept them UNCONDITIONALLY even when they push back at times and are a bit distant so they can still “look cool” to their friends.  Our persistent LOVE for them even through these years of transition is a way for us to EMBODY the love of Christ.  They may not show appreciation for it at the time, but experience and observation have shown me time and time again that they will ALWAYS appreciate the Christian love of mom and dad.

Don’t let them push you away.  Don’t run from the awkward situations.  Don’t give up.  DO pray for you teens.  DO forgive them for pushing back.  DO accept them as they are, unconditionally.  DO spend time with your teen, including around their friends.  DO love them … just as Jesus loves us.  The pay off will be WORTH IT!

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A Father’s Day Gift

Hi everyone! First let me introduce myself.  I am not Pastor Biermann; I’m his fifteen year old daughter Hannah.  This Father’s Day instead of giving Dad a tangible present, I decided to write this blog entry for him.

My Dad doesn’t just teach people about sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love, he lives it every day.  He shows these types of love through his actions and words.  He’s not perfect but he tries to model how Christ loves us.

Dad shows sacrificial love when he puts others’ needs before his own.  For example, he’ll always ask us what we (Mom, Micah and I) want to eat and then he’ll take the leftovers.  When we’re planning a vacation, Dad asks us, “Where would you like to go?”  He often puts our needs before his own.

Another way Dad sacrifices himself is through his time at church.  He sacrifices so much of his time with family to meet with or counsel people.  Many days he comes home with the whole lunch Mom packed for him because he never had time to eat it.

The second type of love is unconditional love.  Dad shows this love to me constantly.  Whenever I mess up, if I’m disrespectful to him or Mom, or when I fight with Micah, he loves and forgives me no matter what.  Every day he tells me how much he loves me.

Dad also shows incarnational (in the flesh) love.  Every day he gives me a hug and kiss before he goes to work.  Every night he blesses me with the sign of the cross on my forehead.  He also shows his incarnational love for me and my family by providing for our physical needs, maintaining our house and yard, and taking us on vacations.

I’ve learned so much from my Dad.  He’s taught me by example how Christ loves me and how I should love others.

In closing let me say, “Happy Father’s Day, Dad!  I LOVE YOU!”


P.S.  Below is the email Micah sent to Dad for Father’s Day.  It backs up what I was just saying.

Dear Dad,

I know that Father’s Day is for all fathers but I care most about you because you are MY father.  You are Honest, Kind, Joyous, Happy (most of the time), Fun, Caring and most of all very, very LOVING. You are, in my opinion, the best father on earth. I have had many influences in my life, some good, some bad.  I thank God so much that you have always had, and always will have, the greatest and best influence in my life.

I love you so much!


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By Oliver Hammond

By Oliver Hammond

RETREAT!  In battle, that cry often signals there’s trouble and you’re on the losing side.  However, in a marriage, the cry of “RETREAT!” can be an important reminder of something very good for the couple.  Time away as ONLY husband and wife is very beneficial to the relationship.  Some suggest it’s good to get away for at least a night every 3 months.

I agree with the value of couples retreating together.  That’s why Heather and I are eager to support “Grace Place Ministries” as an opportunity for church workers to retreat and refresh.  Next week, we’ll be helping lead a Grace Place Retreat in Trego, WI.  We’ll be sharing the blessing God has in store for couples when they live out their marriage in HIS way.  Having led such a retreat last summer, we saw what a blessing this retreat was to the couples who participated.  I invite you to join in praying that God will work mightily through this retreat to refresh the church workers and spouses who will be attending.

I also remind EVERYONE to take time in RETREAT … with Jesus.  Whether you’re single or married, time away with the Bridegroom, Jesus, is hugely beneficial.  Listen to your Husband as He calls, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31 ESV)  Turn off your cell phone.  No TV.  No lap top.  No internet.  No work.  Just you and your loving Husband.  Dig into His Word.  Let it fill you again.  He’ll bless you with the renewal and strengthening we all need to face life.

Since I’m turning off my phone and internet connection next week, I won’t have a new blog entry for you.  Why not take the time to RETREAT with your spouse and your Spouse, Jesus.  It’s well worth the time!

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Safe in Her Husband’s Arms

Daniel Wani and his wife, Meriam Ibrahim

Dr. Meriam Ibrahim.  She’s been in the news a lot lately.  She’s a Christian woman.  Great!  She’s married to a Christian husband.  Wonderful!  She’s the proud mom of a 20 month old little boy.  Super!  She just gave birth to a new daughter.  Beautiful!  She’s slated to receive 100 lashes.  What?!  She’s sentenced to hang as soon as she ‘s weaned her new daughter.  NO WAY!!!  Her crime?  She’s Sudanese and she refuses to recant her Christian faith.  Sadly, this isn’t just a made up story to catch your attention.  Yes, persecution for confessing faith in Christ is still a reality in our world.

Yet, the love of Jesus Christ is also STILL a reality in our sinful world.  And, Jesus, the perfect Husband, holds us safely in His arms as His beloved bride.  Governments and tyrants have tried to squash Jesus since He was born.  They’ve also tried to force His bride to divorce Him with threats and persecution.  But, the bold stand of Meriam Ibrahim is nothing new.  The Spirit has been bolstering the faith of Christians since Jesus first started to claim His bride.  The Spirit reminds us that we ARE safe in the arms of our perfect Husband, Jesus.  Even if the world should take our life, it can’t break the marriage vow between Jesus and His bride.  We WILL join Jesus at the wedding feast in heaven when we leave this world behind.  God’s marriage bond endures!  That gives hope to every one of us.

Yes, the outrageous case of Meriam Ibrahim breaks our hearts.  Yes, we should pray earnestly and act in any way we can to seek her release.  Yes, she is STILL the bride of Christ, first and foremost.  Yes, we are too.  This is our hope.  This is our comfort.  This is our joy … always.

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ACCURATE Divorce Statistics

My blog last week was so intriguing to many that I thought it was worth one more week of attention.  The accurate statistics on the longevity and satisfaction in marriage are so encouraging that I decided to put them here in a concise summary so you can know and share them.  According to Harvard trained statistician and author Shaunti Feldhahn in her latest book, The Good News about Marriage, these are the ACCURATE numbers:

Average number of first-time marriages that have ended in divorce: probably 20 to 25 percent.

Average number of first-time marriages that have ended in divorce among churchgoers: more likely in the single digits or teens.

Couples who state they have a happy marriage: 80 percent.

In an interview on CBN News, Feldhahn recently stated, “We need to change the paradigm of how we talk about marriage — from marriage being in trouble and all this discouraging stuff to saying, ‘No, wait.  Most marriages are strong and happy for a lifetime.’ That makes a total difference to a couple who can now say, ‘You know what? Most people get through this and we can, too.'”

I AGREE!  God’s way for marriage leads to lasting contentment, joy and even happiness.  Let’s share the GOOD NEWS!

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