Thumbs Up to the Future

This past Sunday my son, Micah, stood before the congregation to publicly confirm his faith.  Here’s an excerpt of what he shared as his personal faith statement …

 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,” Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV).

                This verse has helped me countless times; it gives me hope when I am struggling with decisions in my life. …

                I believe this verse and the rest of the Bible to be true and read it often because I have a Christian faith that I have been taught by my parents and by many of you here today. I have held to that faith and believe it because the Bible explains it so well. … The Holy Spirit has given me confidence that Jesus has died for me and will freely forgive me of my sins if I ask for forgiveness.

                I will live by this faith for the rest of my life and I intend to share it with people I encounter who haven’t heard about Jesus and His free forgiveness. Even though I will encounter challenges I will think back to Jeremiah 29:11 and remember God has “Plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future.”

The concepts of Life in God’s Way and a “Thumbs Up” worldview have guided Heather and me as we’ve raised Micah in the Christian faith.  We thank God that he’s grasped these concepts, trusted in them and adopted them as his own guide for life.  I agree that we do have hope and a future when we see the Spirit at work in the next generation.  As they are led to put Jesus first and to love others as Jesus first loved them, all their relationships WILL be blessed.  The Christian church will thrive.  Many more will see Christ in them and be drawn to Him.  As I consider the future, I give it a big “Thumbs Up!”

Micah, Family and Friends at His Confirmation

Micah, Family and Friends at His Confirmation

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Death with Christ

This past weekend I read the sad news that Brittany Maynard, a 29 year old woman with a terminal brain tumor, had taken her life.  She chose to “die with dignity” by taking legally prescribed drugs.  She didn’t want to continue through the pain and suffering of her cancer.  What was glaringly absent in Brittany’s story was a “Thumbs Up” attitude with Jesus on top.  She didn’t have the comfort and hope that Jesus alone can give.  She didn’t have the care of the great Physician.  She didn’t have the undying love of the Perfect Husband.

This story stands in sharp contrast to that of Maggie Karner, director of LCMS Life and Health Ministries.  Karner is also dying from a brain tumor.  But, she’s not going to die by her own hand.  She has full trust in her Savior, Physician, Husband and Friend … Jesus Christ.  She believes His promises, “I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jer. 31:3) and “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Cor. 12:9).  Karner trusts that Jesus will not allow her to suffer beyond what she can bear.  She trusts that Jesus will continue to use her to bless others and lead others to eternal life until that day when He will take her to His side.  She’s got her priorities in order.  She WILL live FOREVER!

Maggie Karner and “Moose”

When we keep Jesus on top, we look at life with different eyes.  It’s not just about me.  THANK GOD FOR THAT!  I will always let myself down, run in fear, give up in despair and seek the easy way out.  With Jesus as our number one relationship (Thumbs Up!), we have strength that will never let us down, direction that is wise, joy through suffering, hope for eternity and the power to take the hard way that is a blessing to us and all who know us.

Death with dignity, if it involves taking your own life, is a cop out.  It’s giving in to the despair of having yourself as your God.  Death with Christ is the way of victory.  Before we even die, we’ve already won.  And, as I’ve seen in dozens of faithful Christians who have died from cancer in God’s timing, every moment of life is a precious gift from God.  It’s an opportunity to share the Gospel of eternal life with others.  It’s a time to celebrate life in the arms of Jesus.  Thumbs Up to Jesus … especially in the shadow of death.


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Does the Pope Support Gay Marriage?

By Catholic Church England and Wales

Photo by Catholic Church England and Wales

The media was all astir this week because the Vatican released some comments that sounded supportive of gay marriage.  Liberal forces in the media are so eager to proclaim that “the church” is supportive of their views that they will take ANY word of conciliation as total support.

The Vatican was quick to respond that such whole -hearted support of gay marriage is not the case.  The cardinals expressed that the comments flow out of  a preliminary discussion.  Consider also this quote from Josephine McKenna of the Religious News Service on Oct. 15, “A day after signaling a warmer embrace of gays and lesbians and divorced Catholics, conservative cardinals hit back strongly Oct. 14, with one insisting that an abrupt about-face on church teaching is ‘not what we are saying at all.'”

Regardless of what comes from the Vatican, God’s Word on marriage and love has not and will not change.  Marriage is and always will be the lifelong union of one man to one woman.  AND, God loves ALL people, even those deceived by Satan into relationships that are contrary to God’s will.  That’s why it’s so important for us to speak God’s truth about marriage.  We want those trapped in such lies to be free so they can experience the full joy of the Lord now … and for eternity.

Give a rebellious sinner an inch and he’ll take a mile.  Nothing new with that.  But, we still must continue to speak the truth in love.  God’s way for marriage between one man and one woman has not changed.  God’s love for sinners remains.  Our job of making both truths known continues.  That’s why we uphold the FULL message of Life in God’s way!

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Marriage Remains

No matter what judges may say or fail to say, God’s institution of marriage remains the same.  The Supreme Court is choosing to sidestep the matter, this week refusing to step in and protect state marriage amendments.  Other lower court judges are trying to redefine God’s plan, insisting that same sex “marriage” is a foundational institution of our society.  Many in the media are touting the downfall of God’s outdated prescription for marriage.  In this light … or should I say, darkness … faithful Christians may become saddened, cynical or even fearful.

Do not despair!  What God established WILL endure!  At creation God said “a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast  to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24, ESV).  Jesus repeated the same thing while here on earth (Matthew 19:5).  The Holy Spirit inspired Paul to say the same thing in the early days of the Christian church (Eph. 5:31).  This plan for marriage has endured as long as the earth has been here. One man and one woman have been blessed to be married to each other throughout history.  This way WILL endure until the day the Lord finally loses patience with the sin of this world and returns in judgment.

Photo by Lyza

Photo by Lyza

Those of us who know the joy and blessing of marriage in God’s way should never be intimidated.  Satan is trying his best to scare us into retreat.  He knows the blessings of marriage come only in God’s way.  STAND STRONG!  Fear not.  Walk in God’s way alone.  Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS!  His wonderful way endures.  Marriage remains!

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Funerals, Weddings & Life … in God’s Way

By WIlliam Murphy

Photo by WIlliam Murphy

On Monday I ‘ll be officiating for a funeral of a dear Christian woman from my congregation.  Bette finally lost a long battle with cancer.  A week later I’ll be officiating for the wedding of Bette’s daughter, Kelli, and new son-in-law, Marcus.  This wedding was scheduled two weeks ago in hopes that Mom would be able to attend.  There’s sorrow that this didn’t work out.  Yet … in the midst of the sorrow … there’s JOY!

Bette and her family lived life in God’s way.  They put Jesus first.  They cared for family after that.  They were close to the Faith family after that.  They were also  loving witnesses to the whole world.  This gave them a future and a hope (as per Jer. 29:11).  This gave them comfort and JOY in the face of death.  That’s why Bette has COMMANDED her family to sing with exuberant JOY of her victory with Christ at her funeral.  That’s why the wedding will STILL be a JOYFUL occasion.  In God’s way, despair and hopelessness have no place.  Hope and joy prevail.

Some would say it’s tragic that Bette won’t be at Kelli’s wedding.  In Christ, that’s not the case.   Bette’s hope and joy in Christ are gifts she passed on to Kelli each day of her life.  These gifts will still be lavished on Kelli and Marcus next week at the wedding.  Life’s different … in God’s way.  Through loss … love.  Through death … hope.  Through tears … laughter.  Through sorrow … joy.

That’s life in God’s way … with a future and a hope … EVERY day!

By Lapis Ruber

Photo by Lapis Ruber

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Great Retreat and Feedback

Last week Heather and I had the privilege of leading the members of the presidium, district staff and Circuit Visitors of the Michigan District, along with their wives, in a “Life in God’s Way” retreat.  There were over 60 participants who took part in the majority of the retreat.  We were thrilled to be able to share God’s blessings for marriage and relationships with these influential leaders.  They were highly engaged and VERY positive in their feedback.  Now, they will take these gifts out to have an exponential impact in the Michigan District and beyond.  Join us in thanking God for this great event and pray for more opportunities like this.

Just to share some of the great feedback we received last week, here are some evaluation responses of what participants liked about the retreat:

My greatest insight was the use of dialogue prayer.  I have always felt intimidated and uncomfortable praying with my husband and have let him do the praying but the dialogue format of prayer makes it less threatening.

My greatest insight was”thumbs up for Jesus.”

My greatest insight was a more directed premarital counseling program.

The triangle illustration of marriage was very effective and very teachable!!  Excellent!

Thank you soooo much!  My wife and I loved it!

Great presentation!

My greatest insight was the idea of a family mission statement.

Thank you, Todd & Heather, for your witness and example!

My greatest insight was the reminder that we are reflections/examples of Christ to those around us and that our marriage is the reflection of Christ and His bride, the church – Excellent presentation!

My greatest insight was that I am not being selfish to expect that my husband’s responsibility to me really IS ahead of that to his church.  As long as that stays in balance we can “fly” together in ministry to those around us.

My greatest insight was that I need to take more time with my wife to plan and pray about our marriage, our life, and our calling.

My greatest insight was the emphasis on God having made my husband and me for one another!  (Already knew this, but just the reminding of it was very helpful.)  Hope our children have that realization in their future relationships/marriage.

My greatest insight was using “please forgive me” instead of “I’m sorry.”

I LOVED the triangle illustration[of marriage] and the “finger story”  [of relationship priorities] and am excited to share this with my kids and beyond.  (Yay for Heather and her visuals!)

My greatest insight was that my wife is the greatest earthly gift God has given me.

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Seminar Sampler

Many people ask to see a sample of the material that Heather and I share about Life in God’s Way.  We’re eager to pass it on so it can touch more lives.  We feel convinced that the Spirit of God will bless those who are willing to follow His guidance for marriage and all relationships.  So, I thought I’d use this post to share links to our most current seminar materials.  Here are the links to the seminar Power Point and participant Handout in PDF (hosted on Dropbox online):

Please look it over or use it for your own personal benefit.  If you’d like to use it for more than yourself, please drop me a note ( or call(810-771-8837) and I’d be happy to chat with you.  Or, if you’d like to have Heather and/or me come share this material in person, we’d be glad to discuss that too.  Consider the various options available by going to our blog page “Presentations & Mentoring.”

We simply pray that more and more people will be touched by the perfect love of THE Bridegroom, Jesus and that His way for marriage and all relationships will spread.  The joyous blessings of Life in God’s Way are free for all who will receive them … and we’d love to help make that happen!


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He Gave Me a Thumbs Up

Yesterday I had the privilege of visiting a church member in the hospital following a MAJOR surgery.  He was able to speak for the first time in over 48 hours.  He’d been through a lot and was still a bit out of it.  I shared God’s Word of comfort and support.  I prayed.  I told him he didn’t need to talk because I knew it was hard for him.  He didn’t say much, but he did one thing that was very powerful.  As I asked him if he was doing okay, he gave me a very clear THUMBS UP sign.  At first, I just took it as a way to say, “I’m okay.”  Then, when I mentioned that we would watch out for his wife and support her, he gave me another clear THUMBS UP and held out his forefinger.  I then sensed that his gesture was saying more than just, “Okay.”  When I next commented about God’s ongoing care for him, his wife and those he loved, he gave a clear THUMBS UP that I couldn’t miss.  Without saying a word, he had communicated a HUGE amount of understanding, faith and trust in God.  What this dear man of faith was saying is that he fully believed the teaching of the THUMBS UP illustration of relationship priorities.  JESUS was STILL FIRST in his life.  He had absolute trust that Jesus would care for him, his wife and his loved ones.  Jesus would work all things together for good.  This man also expressed appreciation that I and others were taking care of the person he cared about above all others, his dear WIFE.  He also was showing appreciation for the mutual care being given by and shown to his other FAMILY members and CHURCH FAMILY MEMBERS.

It was wonderful to see that God’s SIMPLE, POWERFUL, GOSPEL message could be confessed and shared when it was difficult to say a word.  This man of faith had a way to speak to me with a simple gesture that spoke volumes between us.  It showed that it pays to be in God’s Word regularly so it’s there for you when you really need it.  It also showed the value of being part of a church family regularly so you understand each other even with a shared gesture.  This kind of relationship flows out of walking together daily.  It’s the kind of relationship that makes a huge difference when times get tough.  It’s good to know that a simple THUMBS UP can give strength to the weak and assurance to a pastor that his sheep is in Good Hands!

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Cooperating in Christ

Exciting things are happening at the mission site being supported by my congregation.   The Gathering Place is 14 miles down the road from our main campus, but the distance is being shortened as we’re working more closely together.  One of our associate pastors and leader of The Gathering Place, Pastor Bill Northend, just left to answer a Call to Sonoma, CA.  He will be missed, but the Lord always provides.  Our SMP vicar, Bob Scott, is going to be continuing his work at the mission.  He’ll be carrying on the great relationships that have been established.

What’s especially exciting now is that leaders and members of our sister LCMS congregation in Waterford, St. Stephens, are joining in the effort to support and build The Gathering Place.  They’re excited to be involved in this down to earth approach to bring the Gospel into the daily lives of those around the mission.  I’m thrilled to see this shared effort because it shows how a common focus on Jesus helps strangers become friends united in a common cause.   Our congregations may look quite different from each other.  We may approach worship differently.  We may have differing views of ministry.  BUT, when we keep our “Thumbs Up” to Jesus above all else, He unites us in a sacrificial and unconditional loving relationship with each other.  We can then overcome our differences to join in the common cause of drawing others into a saving relationship with Jesus.

Things change.  People move.  Jesus remains!  He keeps us close and draws us into new relationships with those who share our love for Him.  I pray that many more in the LCMS and in the Christian church throughout the world can be drawn into a tighter relationship with each other.  Together, focused on Jesus, we WILL be used by the Spirit to GATHER many more in HIS PLACE!

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Evil, Evil, Evil, LIGHT!

Dale Meyer, President of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, made this observation in his blog today, “It’s a deluge of news day-in and day-out, more than anyone can take in.  So we skim from story to story, don’t get too bothered.  These days even the skimming is wearing down our spirits.  The death of Robin Williams, looting in St. Louis, Islamic terrorists, civil war in Ukraine, Nigerians girls still kidnapped, Hamas and Israel…  Wave after wave of bad news, so much that we can’t ignore it.

Yes, we are in a sinful world that will NEVER be free from such evil.  Jesus told us it would be this way … and get worse.  So, we shouldn’t be surprised.  But, we can do something more than just wring our hands in fearful despair.  We can turn to our faithful Bridegroom, Jesus, and know that He is ALWAYS good.  We can trust that He will NEVER betray or fail us.  We can delight in His forgiveness and comfort every day.  We can eagerly anticipate the re-creation we will behold when we go home to Him in paradise one day.

We can also share Jesus’ kind of love in all our relationships.  It doesn’t matter if others don’t welcome our love or return it.  That’s how a marriage works.  Jesus gives and gives even when it’s not deserved.  Godly husbands and wives do the same with each other.  Parents do the same with their children.  Church members do the same with each other.  Christians do the same with their neighbors … nasty though they may be.

Responding to evil with evil will only take us down with the evil.  Responding with unconditional love will fill us with Jesus and His love.  It will also brighten this dark world in ways that we will never know.  But the Spirit WILL use it for good.  Do not doubt.  The Spirit is powerful.  He WILL work through the love we show to bring light to those in darkness.

The love of Jesus for us, in us and through us is our reason to smile, laugh and rejoice EVERY DAY.  The darkness cannot overcome the Light of the lamp that’s guiding us to the Wedding Feast.Lamp in Dark

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