NO Shades of Grey

The novel “Fifty Shades of Grey” topped the best-seller list.  Now, the movie by the same name, is set for release on Feb. 13, just in time for Valentines Day.  Even “upstanding” couples are taking interest in this movie as they’ve heard it will stimulate a more exciting sex life.  Unfortunately, the means to such excitement is to delve into some not so upstanding realms such as sadism, masochism and other abuse.  This book and movie only reinforces one of Satan’s greatest lies … that we can find pleasure and fulfillment by following our own desires rather than God’s way.  Following the path laid out in “Fifty Shades of Grey” will only lead people to 50 shades of guilt, shame, regret, pain, fear, sorrow and emptiness.

There’s a MUCH better way to a more exciting and fulfilling sex life … GOD’S WAY!  Most people think that God is against sexual enjoyment; that He only intends sex to have one practical function … that of producing children.  Quite to the contrary, God designed sex to be a beautiful gift to be fully enjoyed by one man with one woman in the context of a thriving marriage relationship.  Note, however, the context is essential.  Apart from God’s design, sex loses its power to bring lasting joy and delight.  But, in God’s design, it serves as a culmination of the union in heart, mind and spirit between a husband and wife who are following God’s way in ALL of life.  When sex is celebrated by a husband and wife who are sacrificial and unconditional with their love, it provides a wonderful, physical taste of heaven.  Dozens of couples who’ve followed my counsel on God’s way to a fulfilling sex life have reported back to me that it’s more fantastic than they could have ever imagined.  Some, by comparison to a previous life according to Satan’s way for sex, have commented that the difference is “black and white.”

For a fulfilling, enjoyable, renewing, exciting, lasting and even heavenly sex life … run away from “Fifty Shades of Grey” and into the loving arms of Jesus.  He does want couples to have all those wonderful things for their sex life and more.  He WILL provide it as we enjoy sex and all of life in His way.

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Honoring Dad

What’s the best way to honor a parent?  Pay back all the money you “borrowed” over the years?  Engrave a special tribute on a paver brick?  Give a gift to a favorite charity in his name?  All of these might be appropriate.   But, I took advantage of the opportunity God gave me yesterday.  I was invited to share the principles of Life in God’s Way with a group of pastors and other church workers in Nebraska.   Since Dad lives in Nebraska, I made arrangements for him to attend.  I have to admit I was a bit nervous about having Dad there.  He’d never been able to attend one of my seminars prior to this.   I grew up idolizing Dad as the perfect Christian man and father.  While I’ve grown to understand that he’s not infallible, I still respect him as a tremendous man of God with great wisdom and Christian character.  I really wanted to honor him.

That’s why I prayed for God to help me simply be faithful to His Word and to present my material in the same way I always have before.  That’s the heart of Life in God’s Way.  Faithfulness to God’s Word.  Real life application drawn from experience.  Sharing what I saw in my Christian home as a child.  And that’s how I could honor Dad.  It was a joy for me to show him that I really had been watching, listening and learning from him as a child.  I could honestly say to that group of church leaders that I had been blessed with a dad who modeled Life in God’s Way.  I could pass on to them what I had received.  And without making a big presentation or embarrassing show, I was able to honor Dad … in God’s way.

Thank you Dad!  I love you!



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What’s God Blessing?

So often I get an idea in my head and I just KNOW it’s the right thing. But, for some reason, things just don’t go the way I want them to. Then I might resort to praying for a while. Surely God will make it work out the way I want. No go.

Not the expected door ...

Not the expected door …

That’s not the way it works when it comes to life in God’s way. I need to start in a different place. I can’t start by asking God to bless what I want to do (putting ME on top). I need to start by asking HIM to show me what HE wants me to do (putting HIM on top). Then, when I see Him doing something that I can use my gifts to support, I can ask Him to use me to be a small part of HIS work. Then, I can be sure He will keep on blessing what HE has been doing all along.
This “Life in God’s Way” ministry is a prime example. Not something I had ever dreamed up for MY life plan. But, God has continued to open doors in this direction. As I’ve humbly followed HIS lead, HE has continued to bless HIS work through me and in spite of me. Here I am, Lord. Use me in some small way to support what YOU are already blessing!

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Hannah’s Poem

I thank God for the blessing of a daughter who loves and respects me.  On top of that, I have a daughter who often thinks and writes about some pretty profound things.  A poem she wrote recently touched me deeply.  It brought back vivid and wonderful memories from a cross-country ski outing we shared after an ice and snow storm last year.  In thankfulness and honor of Hannah and my God who gave her to me, I’ve included her poem below.  Prayerfully you’ll be touched by it also.


Ice Storm

My father and I glide through the frozen forest

like two silent birds.

Breaking through the tangled branches

we try not to disturb anything.

Time has stopped around us;

all is still.


I see flashes of red;

realize they are berries.

Their lives are still in them,

frozen in their red centers,

captured like pictures in icy frames.

They remind me of the shortness of life.

Their brilliant color helps me remember

life is beautiful.


My father and I listen to the silence.

We remain still.

We watch our breath

puff up into the pale sunrise.

I cherish this time with my father.


Then a bird flutters across the path;

the moment is over.


As we return to our warm house,

I think about our time together

and how the icy air around me

grows a little warmer

because my father loves me.


Hannah L. Biermann

Photo by Todd Biermann Dec. 2013

Photo by Todd Biermann Dec. 2013

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The Pen is Mightier!

Photo by vasse nicolas,antoine

Photo by vasse nicolas,antoine

This week we heard the terrible news of an attack by Islamic extremists on a tabloid office in Paris that left 12 dead and many injured.  Such destruction is an awful example of what sin has done to the hearts of men.  It saddens our Lord and all who follow Him.

Yet, in the midst of this terrible news, there has also been an encouraging response.  Many people are rising up to show support to those who were attacked.  It’s leading to a loud battle cry of, “The pen is mightier than the sword!”  There’s a strong belief being backed with actions that terrorist activity will not stop journalists and others from speaking out against evil.  In fact, it may prompt even more vocal retaliation.

This is a commentary in real life on Christian life.  Throughout history, evil men have tried to silence the Word of God by force.  They’ve slaughtered God’s prophets, burned His Bibles and threatened His followers. Yet, they’ve NEVER been successful!  Why?  Because the Good News of God’s love for us in Jesus, as proclaimed in God’s Word, has MUCH MORE POWER than the evil threats and actions of those who’ve been deceived by Satan.

We will continue to keep our Thumbs Up to Jesus!  He’s our peace, comfort, joy, hope and LIGHT in a dark world.  Not all the darkness in the world can overcome His Light.  Not all the evil attacks of those deluded by Satan can stop the spread of the GOSPEL WORD!  When it comes to life in God’s way, it will always be true that the pen is mightier than the sword.  His WORD of JOY is our STRENGTH!  (Cf. Nehemiah 8:10)

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Be Still … and Put Jesus First

Who’s got your ear?

“Do you hear what I hear?”  Those are words from a popular Christmas carol.  They remind me of a great blog I read recently from Rev. Dr. Dale Meyer, President of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.  He wrote the following on November 13th, 2014:

“Pay attention to what you hear,” says Jesus in Mark 4:24.  I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately, and my reflections tell me that one reason many people find Christianity irrelevant is because they’re not paying attention to what they hear.  Think about it.  All day long our ears are assaulted with words.  Studies show that we spend an excessive amount of time in front of TVs and monitors.  We walk or jog with buds in our ears.  We talk with people.  And then there are the e-mails, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, all the words that we let into our unguarded souls. Some of the words in you are, I hope, God’s words but the majority of words assaulting you are not.  No wonder many of us are strangers to solitude and silence, thinking there’s something unnatural about it.

Exposing ourselves to so many words puts us in a position of judgment.  “I will decide what’s good and what’s not, what to do and what not to do.”  That, friend, is idolatry.  Lee Kwan Yew wasn’t writing about religion but wrote truly, “We can ill afford to let others experiment with our lives.” (Wall Street Journal, April 6-7, 2013; A13)  A Christianity that is relevant to daily life starts with a faith assumption: The Word of God in Jesus Christ is the story of my personal life.  If you take that as your starting point, then you’re going to filter what you hear.  You break the habit of watching this or hearing that.  You use media with discernment.  You pick your peers carefully.  You decrease the barrage of words and visual images and increase your time in silence with the Bible.  In short, you “pay attention to what you hear.”  “If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”

In the bustle and NOISE of Christmas, I encourage you to pay attention to what you hear.  STOP the noise!  Step aside and be still.  Take time to reflect on the Word made flesh, our Savior Jesus.  Let Jesus be FIRST in all that you hear.  Resolve to hear less from this world and more from Jesus in the coming year.  You’ll hear words of peace, comfort, hope and joy that NONE of the noise of this world can ever give.

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Love “in the Flesh”

Love incarnate.  Love “in the flesh.”  That’s what Jesus came to bring us at Christmas.

That’s why the best way to convey that love to the world is “in the flesh.”  And that’s exactly what took place in my congregation last weekend.  For the ninth year in a row, we sponsored a living “Journey to Bethlehem.”  The whole church is converted into a walk through the history leading up to and immediately following the birth of our Messiah, Jesus.  From the prophecy of Isaiah to the annunciation to Mary, to the birth in Bethlehem, to the raging of Herod and to the arrival of the wise men.  Guests had the privilege to hear and see and smell and touch the story delivered by real people portraying the various biblical characters.  The resounding response from the 1000+ who attended over the 3 nights of the Journey was “WOW!”  They were touched by the “reality” of the message.  Faith took on sight.  Some were even moved to tears of joy.

I thank God for the 100+ members and friends of our congregation who acted “in the flesh” to convey the truth of Christmas in vivid reality.  The excitement of those who were involved was clear.  Not only did the event bless those who traveled the journey, but it had a huge impact on those who made it happen.

The Biermann Family at the "Journey"

The Biermann Family at the “Journey”

What a great picture for ALL our relationships.  Love that has the greatest meaning is love that is incarnate … “in the flesh.”  We can read about someone’s love for us, we can hear about it over the phone, we can see it in an image over the internet … but the most profound expression of love takes place in face to face, breathing body, speaking lips, smiling face, hugging arms, incarnate form.  That’s what Jesus came t0 show.  That’s what Christians continue to show as we live out our relationships in God’s way.

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The “Biermann Brief” 2014

Each year I compose the “Biermann Brief” as a summary of what’s been happening in our family over the past year.  God is truly abundant in His blessings.  Writing this “Brief” helps us remember that.

Many of our regular readers comment on how they look forward to reading the “Brief” each year.  It seemed fitting to post a link to the “Brief” here so you can join us in thanking God for His gracious gifts.  If you’re not interested in our personal news, that’s fine.  Don’t open the link.  But, I encourage you to reflect over the year and consider how God has blessed you.  You may think that the bad has been much greater than the good.  Yet, in the midst of the darkness, don’t forget the shining Light of Truth … that Jesus is the Light who has brought us eternal life.  This gift is greater than any evil the world can throw our way.  It’s greater than all our doubts, fears, worries and troubles.  Keep your “Thumb Up” to Jesus at this Christmas time.  His coming into our midst gives us a reason for joy, thankfulness and hope.  May that Light brighten your day as at has ours.

So, without further ado … here’s the link to  •   THE BIERMANN BRIEF   •  for 2014.  Enjoy it if you like.  Or, just join us in thanking and praising God for the gift of Jesus!

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Time for a Divorce?

“Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Mark 12:17  ESV)   That’s what Jesus said.  It helps clarify our relationships with the civil government and with the church.  It also helps clarify the debate about civil unions versus church weddings.  For years, pastors in the church have signed civil marriage licenses after conducting a church wedding.  This has worked out okay because the civil government has agreed with the church’s definition of marriage as being the union between one man and one woman.  However, this is quickly changing.  The civil government is now all over the place concerning the definition of “marriage.”

Photo by Martin Deutsch

Photo by Martin Deutsch

A divorce may be in order.  The divorce between the government’s role in marriage and the church’s role.  It is “Caesar’s” responsibility to ensure good order in our society, including in the realm of the unions between the citizens of that society.  Well and good.  Let the government continue to keep order of such unions and be in charge of issuing civil licenses that regulate and track such unions.  BUT, as the government’s view diverges further and further from that of God and His church, let it stop at that.  Let the church do it’s God given job.  Let the church guide men and women to God’s perfect and blessed way for marriage and then conduct church ceremonies that solemnize such a union in the site of God and His church.

Is it time for a divorce between the church and the state when it comes to marriage rites?  That depends on whether the government will continue to allow the church to be and do what GOD intended.  A faithful church and its pastors are constrained by God to always promote, teach and conduct marriages in God’s way.

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Temporary Poison

On Nov. 17, at a gathering of international religious leaders, Pope Francis had this to say, “In our day, marriage and the family are in crisis. We now live in a culture of the temporary, in which more and more people are simply giving up on marriage as a public commitment.”  He  later added, “It is important that the young people do not give themselves over to the poisonous mentality of the temporary, but rather be revolutionaries with the courage to seek true and lasting love, going against the common pattern: this must be done.”

While there may be points on which I would strongly disagree with Pope Francis, I share his sentiments on this subject completely.  After all, this is what Jesus affirms in Matthew 19:6 as He speaks about marriage saying, “So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” (ESV)  Marriage is meant to last “until death us do part.”

Without a commitment to persevere in marriage, it will NOT last.  There will ALWAYS be strong temptations to give up, run away, seek something better, retreat to childhood … listen to Satan.  And, by giving in to such tempting lies, couples miss out on the tremendous blessings of God’s way for marriage.  It’s in the commitment to life-long marriage that a couple experiences the peace of security, the stability of consistency, the hope of good days in the midst of the bad, freedom from the fear of isolation, and the joy of unconditional love.

Don’t let the lies of Satan and this world lure you into the empty promises of the temporary.  Live in the blessedness of commitment.  Then, filled to overflowing with those blessings, make them known to a younger generation that truly is desperate for something that WILL last!

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