We Can Work It Out

In an April 13, 2015 post by Shaunti Feldhahn on the Family Life Marriage Memo blog, she shared a wonderful insight she received from a man attending one of her lectures.  She said he gave her 2 sentences that summarized everything she had to say that day …

There are two types of couples in this world. Those who want to work everything out before they commit, and those who want to commit to working everything out.  

Photo by m_e_mccarron

“Crossroads” photo by m_e_mccarron

These are profoundly wise words.  If we think we have everything worked out when we get married, we’re doomed to disappointment, conflict and perhaps a failed marriage.  No matter how much we try to plan and prepare for the perfect marriage, sin WILL get in the way.

However, the other route is to prepare for marriage by seeking God’s guidance in His way.  Passages like Eph. 5:31 are the perfect place to start as they remind us that “a man will leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and the two will become one flesh.”  This passage reminds us we must leave behind our selfish ways and commit to “hold fast” to each other no matter what.  That means that WHEN our spouse lets us down and sins against us, we do not give up.  Instead, we “hold fast” and “commit to working everything out” with God-given forgiveness and love.  When a couple enters a marriage with this attitude, there will be nothing they can’t handle together by God’s power.

I recommit today to being one of those in the second group of couples.  I’m praying you’ll join me if you’re married or preparing for marriage.  Let’s also do all we can to guide the couples around us in the same way … to be a couple that is committed to working everything out in God’s way.

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Timeless Words from Screwtape


The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis is filled with profound wisdom.  I first read it long ago and just listened to it again this week while on a family outing.  The book is written as a collection of fictitious letters from a chief demon by the name of Screwtape to his nephew Wormwood.  Wormwood is seeking advice on how to guide his human “patient” down a path that will end in the destruction of hell.  I was struck by the timelessness of Lewis’ insights.  The sinful nature of man is still the same as it has always been.  When you get past the surface trappings in which we like to dress our sin, you find the same basic evils continue to be at work.

I especially appreciated Screwtape’s perspective on love and marriage.  He noted that love, in and of itself, is an emotional phenomenon that is neither good nor bad.  The real trick for a demonic tempter is to lead a man into shallow and selfish behavior in relation toward the object of his love.  The frustration of the demons comes when a man moves from his feelings of love to actions of selfless charity.  When a man decides to selflessly care for the one he loves in spite of her clearly recognizable faults, he produces tremendous vexation among the demons.

I strongly encourage you to read The Screwtape Letters even if you’ve read it before.  There will be aspects of the book that will strike you with fresh relevance in your current context.  And, even though Lewis wrote this book over 50 years ago, his insights into the demonic realm of sin and temptation are still spot on.  Satan continues to attack us with the same old temptations.  God’s Word and grace in Christ continue to give us what we need to send Satan and his demons on the run.

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Freedom of Religion

Jesus rose from the dead to set us free from sin, death and hell.  Our freedom is a DONE DEAL!  It’s guaranteed by what Jesus did.  It’s ours by the work of the Holy Spirit in Baptism and God’s Word.  We ARE free … forever!

There’s a lot of concern in our nation about legislation that either limit’s or ensures the freedom of religion.  Many Christians are very worried about where things are headed.

Photo by Steve Rotman

Photo by Steve Rotman

I say, step back and remember the big picture.  Jesus rose!  Done deal!  We ARE free!  NOTHING in this world can take that away.  Nothing can keep us from trusting in Jesus ALL the time.  Nothing can keep us from praying to Him continually.  Nothing can take away the peace and joy He gives us always.  THAT’S true “freedom of religion” … a free and open relationship with our Lord, Savior and Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.

Don’t let the latest plotting and fuming of a sinful world and your own sinful nature get you down.  REJOICE in the victory and FREEDOM won by Jesus on Easter morning and given to you as a FREE GIFT!  We will ALWAYS have “freedom of religion” in the way that matters most!

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THUMBS UP for Holy Week

Throughout my adult life I’ve considered Holy Week to be my favorite week of the year.  Christmas was tops as a kid.  Food, fun, presents.  But, worldly distractions stole the delight the older I got.  Plus, the more I pondered the meaning of Christmas, the more the Spirit used it to point my eyes where Christmas was leading … to the cross.  In the week before Easter, we can practice proper prioritization by giving Jesus a bold THUMBS UP!  He deserves our full attention, worship and praise ALL the time, but that’s beyond the reach of our sinful hearts.  Yet, for this one week, we can make a special effort to give Him His proper place as THE most important thing in our life.  Here are some ideas to consider for Holy Week as you seek to give Jesus a proper THUMBS UP …

Photo by Amboo Who?

Photo by Amboo Who?

… sit quietly in meditation on the words of the Passion account in Scripture.

… pray for an extra 30 minutes each day; leaving everything in His hands.

… discuss the significance of Holy Week with your spouse.

… use “Resurrection Eggs” or other ideas to focus your children on Jesus this week.

… give up your favorite foods and eat as little as possible so your eyes can be on Jesus rather than your food.

… attend every opportunity for worship this week as a family, arriving early and not rushing out, so you can show Jesus He doesn’t just get the leftovers in your life.

… do something as a family to serve the needy; loving one another as Jesus first loved us.

… sit in silent solitude for at least 30 minutes straight on Good Friday to reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made for you.

… celebrate the Resurrection on Easter Sunday by joining with as many fellow believers as you can to sing as loudly as you can, not caring what anyone might think of your singing (Jesus will love it!).

… eat some great food on Easter without any guilt as a foretaste of the feast to come in the presence of our Risen King!

… make a plan on how you can keep Easter alive in your heart all year long, esp. setting aside every Sunday as a “little Easter.”

… invite everyone you meet to join you in giving a bold THUMBS UP to JESUS so they can receive the proper perspective on life and share in the JOY of EASTER FOREVER!


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Voting for What’s RIGHT

The following appeared in an article in the Huffington Post yesterday, March 17th, 2015 …

Gay Wed RingThe tide has turned for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender couples seeking to be married in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A).  Following years of debate and introspection, America’s largest Presbyterian denomination has announced a change to its constitution that allows for a more inclusive definition of marriage.  Officially called Amendment 14-F, the new wording in the denomination’s Book of Order will describe marriage as being “between two people.”  About 71 percent of PC (USA) leaders approved of the change during a general assembly meeting last June. The church had been waiting for a majority of its 171 Presbyteries, or regional bodies, to approve the measure one by one. On Tuesday, this majority was reached, with 86 Presbyteries handing in decisions to support same-sex marriage within the church.

In Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:5 and Eph. 5:31 our One true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, repeats this same instruction regarding marriage, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”  By God’s design, marriage is to be shared between one man and one woman.  This is how God instituted marriage in the perfect bliss of Eden.  God has never changed His Word on this matter.  There’s no way to improve upon perfection.  Even in a fallen world, marriage between one man and one woman is God’s chosen way for two people to share in a taste of the perfect bliss of Eden.  By God’s grace, a husband and wife who keep their focus on Jesus Christ, and all that He has taught us about love, are able to experience great peace, contentment and joy in their union.

A majority vote by ANY body of people on earth doesn’t change God’s Word.  Even if we unanimously vote to do things a different way from what God revealed, it doesn’t make the new way “right.”  In fact, our votes have no power to make us happy in our chosen path … away from God’s way.  I feel sorrow that so many are trying to find happiness in their own way and are justifying that way because they all agree on it.  Shared ignorance does not lead us to bliss.

My heartfelt prayer is that everyone will seek the truth of God’s way alone.  I pray that no one will listen to any individual, organization or even “Christian Church” that claims to have a better way than what God has given us.  I’m not praying this because I’m heartless.  I’m praying this because I so desperately love every man and woman God has created in His image.  I desperately want them to have the joy that ONLY Jesus can give … that they can ONLY receive by living life in His way.  I invite you to join me in that prayer.

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Last night my dear wife showed her love to me by joining me to watch an action thriller movie.  Even though it’s not her first choice for entertainment, she indulges me every now and then … out of love.  For that, I thank God.

I also thank God for the hope he gives us on a daily basis.  The story line of the movie we watched involved a plot by a foreign power to take down the U.S. using a combination of a cyber financial attack along with a physical bombing attack.  While much of the movie was certainly far-fetched, the underlying premise was sound.  The U.S. does have many mighty enemies in this world.  They would love to see the U.S. crumble in economic ruin.  They’d love to divert some of our extreme wealth in their direction.  The utilization of cyber-technology along with terrorist activity is making attacks on the U.S. very possible.

NY Times Headline

NY Times Headline

As I watched the movie and then lay down to sleep afterward, some of these dark and foreboding thoughts were rolling around in my head.  It would have been very easy to start to worry.  It was then that I heard the Holy Spirit calling to me, “BE STILL! … and know that I am God!”  God’s sure promise of preservation and eternal life snapped me out of my fretting.  What’s the worst the world can do?  Take my life?  Take my home?  Take my family?  ALL of these are temporary problems.  ALL of them have been overcome by Jesus!

Still, I couldn’t help but wonder what goes through the mind and heart of those who don’t have Jesus when they start to ponder the very real threats of life in a sinful world.  Do they just sink into deep fear and foreboding?  Do they ignore their thoughts and immerse themselves in “busy-ness” or worldly pleasures?  I feel more compelled than ever to share the hope we have in Jesus.  He is our only hope when we realize how vulnerable we really are … personally and nationally.  Jesus gives us peace, courage and joy as we continue to live life in His way.

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Big & Cheap Weddings

Dave Boehi of Family Life ministries had this to say in his March 2 Marriage Memo, “Here’s a paradox: Recent studies show that married couples who had weddings with a large number of guests are more likely to stay married.  At the same time, couples with expensive weddings are at a greater risk for divorce.”  SEE the full blog here.

I certainly can support these finding based on experience.  Those couples that are more interested in having an over-the-top impressive wedding than they are in focusing on God’s way for marriage are going to have trouble.  It doesn’t cost ANYTHING to have God present to bless your marriage.  He loves to come and bless you with His free gifts.  This doesn’t mean you can’t have a nice wedding, but that should NOT be the focus.  The problem is that we fall into the danger warned about in Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  The more you start to spend on a wedding, the more all of those details start to consume your attention … and draw your eyes away from Jesus.

Photo by Nom & Malc

Photo by Nom & Malc

Concerning the number of guests … that’s really not important either.  The husband and wife in the presence of God is what matters most.  Inviting a bunch of people you hardly know out of obligation or to impress them is probably not going to increase the survival odds of that union.  Rather, it will just inflate the price tag.  But, having a number of family and friends present who will pray for and encourage the couple to live out their marriage in God’s way WILL have long-term benefits.  And, wise planning can allow for a large number of such supportive guests without a huge price tag.

When it comes to wedding planning … keep it simple and don’t go crazy with spending, but, invite lots of supportive Christian friends who are eager to be there to support you and not to just suck up your money in some extravagant party.  Helpful insights to starting out a married life in God’s way.

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Peru Mission Trip

Photo by Shawn Harquall

Photo by Shawn Harquall

Heather and I have been invited to share training on Life in God’s Way with couples in Peru, South America.  This trip stems from our trip to Panama earlier this year.  That trip was coordinated by Edilberto Mendez Mora, the director of Lutheran Hour Ministries (Cristo para Todas las Naciones) in Panama.  While there we led several seminars on marriage and all relationships in God’s way.  Our material was so well received that Edilberto was eager to have us share it with other locations he serves on behalf of Lutheran Hour in Peru.  His contacts in Peru were eager to have us come and meet an urgent need they have for the very training we offer.  Marriages and families are struggling in Peru and guidance from God’s Word is one of the top requests of those who come to Lutheran Hour for help.  We’re honored and excited that God has opened this new door for us to go and share the blessings of His way for relationships.  Our work in Spanish speaking countries continues to prosper, having already taken us to Guatemala (twice) and Paraguay before our Panama trip.  We’re eager to be in Peru from August 3-13, 2015.   We will be leading seminars in Lima, the largest city, and Arequipa, a smaller city to the south.

As we prepare for this trip, your prayers are coveted.  Please pray …

1.  that we can humbly serve as the Lord’s instruments to achieve HIS awesome work.

2.  that the hearts of those in Peru will be led by the Holy Spirit to eagerly receive God’s gifts we will bring.

3.  that our planning with Edilberto and his friends in Peru will go smoothly in spite of cultural and language barriers.

4.  that all the travel preparation and details will come together and be executed without any hindrance to our mission.

5.  that arrangements for my dad to stay with Hannah and Micah will work out smoothly and be a joy for all three of them.

6.  that generous supporters of our mission will be moved to invest financially in this work.

7.  that more marriages and other relationships will be connected to Jesus and His gifts of healing, hope, guidance and joy.

If you’d like to learn more about the trip and how you can “invest” in this mission to the souls of Peru, send me a note or give me a call.  If you wish to be a financial partner in this mission and other similar future endeavors, your tax-deductible gifts may be given to “Faith Lutheran Church” at 12534 Holly Rd., Grand Blanc, MI 48439 with “Biermann Mission Trip Fund” on the memo line.

THANK YOU for all your support!  God is blessing this Life in God’s Way ministry in ways that we never dreamed possible.  His power is awesome.  His grace is wonderful.  His love is never ending.  With your support, we will continue to do all we can to make known these riches of life in God’s way.

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Encouraging Words

Have you ever doubted yourself as God’s servant?  Am I being faithful?  Are my efforts worthwhile?  Does anyone care?  I’ve certainly had doubts and fears along the way with the efforts that Heather and I have been making to build up marriages and all relationships in God’s way.  I keep telling myself that my doubts are just Satan trying to stop something that he knows is really good.  But, the doubts still arise.  That’s why it’s really great to get some positive feedback along the way.  It shows the power of what we hear in Hebrews 12, “… surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, ….”  I thank God for the “cloud of witnesses” who recently gave me some great feedback and encouragement.  Last month I led a one day seminar for church workers of the Nebraska District LCMS.  I shared the principles of Life in God’s Way and provided resources for sharing the material with others.  The positive feedback has been tremendous.  I’ve shared some of the survey comments below.  Never doubt the power of positive feedback and encouraging words.  You may be the “witness” God is using to support one of His faithful servants.  As we all continue to do this for one another, many more will be led by our words and actions to the JOY of life in God’s way!

  • I was very pleased to see a biblically based, thoroughly Lutheran marriage seminar, yet one that can be presented in an engaging style … . I plan on using it in my congregation and community next year.
  • Excellent information. A couple of us in our circuit are already working on presenting this seminar as a cooperative effort among the churches of our circuit – hopefully in September of next year.
  • This was an excellent seminar.  I’m already visiting with a couple of members to see if they can help me do a marriage retreat this fall.
  • Well worth the time and cost to attend! Thank you for this valuable resource.
  • This was an awesome workshop.  We have already scheduled two marriage retreats for 2015.  We are going to meet following our 8 AM Sunday service and go to 2 P.M.  Our entire staff will take a part of the presentation.  We hope to make this marriage ministry a part of the lifeblood of this congregation.  I appreciated not only the content but also how well the material was packaged.  We are going to require premarital couples to attend one of these retreats.  I am [interested] in the materials he is working on for teenage youth.   Our entire staff went home excited about this ministry.  I appreciated the fact that the cost was low enough for our entire staff to attend.  If you have more workshops in the future we will be there.  Thanks.
  • Well done! I thoroughly enjoyed it and benefited greatly.
  • This is a very good resource. A few of us in our circuit are already talking about how we could pool our resources to do a multi-church, multi-pastor version of this for a circuit couples’ retreat.
  • I was very impressed. I’ve been wanting to do something like this in the past, but haven’t felt confident enough with the resources I have to do it.  Now I think I have a leg to lean on with this high quality material.  Thank you for the offer.  I’m extremely glad that I didn’t pass it up.
  • I enjoyed the seminar, thought it was helpful and planning on using a few of the items for our pre-marriage class here at church. Thought the illustrations were helpful.
  • This was a wonderful seminar that I greatly appreciated and look forward to using these materials within my congregation!
  • I would offer Pastor Biermann’s marriage seminar as a seminar for church worker couples—not so that they could lead other seminars but so that they could invest in their own marriages!
  • Thank you for hosting this seminar.  It has been used by God for my wife and I to invest in our own marriage more!


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Godly Desire in Marriage

I enjoy reading the “Meyer Minute,” a blog by Rev. Dale Meyer, President of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO.  His blog for Feb. 11, 2015 is a great follow-up to my last blog entry.  I’m including it below for your benefit.  Let’s hear it for godly desire in marriage … as opposed to the shallow desires of the flesh that bring so much pain to so many.  Happy Valentine’s Day!

  The Meyer Minute – February 11, 2015

Desire in marriage… It’s more important than we might realize. Of course, in the run up to Valentine’s Day, desire – amorous desire – plays a key role in commercials, but that’s not what I have in mind.

“Marriage is about as good a predictor of economic success as are education, race and ethnicity, according to a 2014 study by Robert Lerman…at the University of Virginia.” And in our national concern about income inequality, “they concluded that if married households today equaled the numbers seen in 1980, ‘the growth in median income of families with children would be 44 percent higher.’ The study also found a link between the decline in the number of Americans ‘who form and maintain stable, married families’ and the growth in income inequality.’”

One reason why married couples (not living together but married) tend to do well over the long haul is desire. Louis Ulmer, 34-years-old of Anchorage, Alaska says, “Being married gives us the desire to have greater financial security and less debt. My wife and I enjoy every minute of those moments together, which in turn leads us to plan more effectively for retirement so we can continue to afford the lifestyle we want.” (New York Times, February 8; 15)

Proof that the Creator did well in designing marriage! Desire was corrupted by sin (see Genesis 3:16) but the God who selflessly loves us sanctifies the desires of husbands and wives for each other. “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25). Husbands and wives desiring each other…Christian marriage is “rich” in blessings!

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