It was a delight to spend the day with some Christian brothers and sisters in Minnesota this past Saturday. I had the privilege to share the blessings of marriage in God’s way as outlined for us in Scripture. As the residents of Minnesota prepare to vote on a constitutional initiative regarding the preservation of marriage as an institution between one man and one woman, this was a very relevant topic. I shared the microphone with Dr. Angus Manuge from Concordia University in Wisconsin. He did an excellent job of explaining why one man/one woman marriage is a good thing even if we just consider the welfare of society. In this realm under God’s “Left Hand,” marriage between one man and one woman is a bedrock of society. This complemented what I shared regarding God’s “Kingdom of the Right Hand.” Upholding marriage between one man and one woman is important as it provides a living picture of the loving relationship between Jesus Christ and His bride, the church. The article of Justification is at stake. (These ideas were supported by Senator Michele Bachmann and her husband who also made an appearance.)
All in all, it was great to see, again, that God’s Word is able to span the miles across state boundaries and still teach a relevant message. Although I’d never met most of the folks on Saturday before, we had an instant connection in God’s Word. We shared the joy of being loved by the perfect Husband, Jesus. We had a common desire to share this great gift with everyone we can. The initiative on the ballot in Minnesota isn’t about trying to force liberal opponents into subjection to our will. Quite to the contrary, it’s about preserving a gift from God that is there for all to receive. Marriage in God’s way is a great gift for society as a whole (Kingdom of the Left Hand). It’s also a great gift as it leads people to see the grace of God vividly illustrated (Kingdom of the Right Hand). Even in Minnesota, marriage between one man and one woman is a wonderful gift from God. Yah sure! You betcha!