Good Trip … Yah, You Betcha!

It was a delight to spend the day with some Christian brothers and sisters in Minnesota this past Saturday.  I had the privilege to share the blessings of marriage in God’s way as outlined for us in Scripture.  As the residents of Minnesota prepare to vote on a constitutional initiative regarding the preservation of marriage as an institution between one man and one woman, this was a very relevant topic.  I shared the microphone with Dr. Angus Manuge from Concordia University in Wisconsin.  He did an excellent job of explaining why one man/one woman marriage is a good thing even if we just consider the welfare of society.  In this realm under God’s “Left Hand,” marriage between one man and one woman is a bedrock of society.  This complemented what I shared regarding God’s “Kingdom of the Right Hand.”  Upholding marriage between one man and one woman is important as it provides a living picture of the loving relationship between Jesus Christ and His bride, the church.  The article of Justification is at stake.  (These ideas were supported by Senator Michele Bachmann and her husband who also made an appearance.)

All in all, it was great to see, again, that God’s Word is able to span the miles across state boundaries and still teach a relevant message.  Although I’d never met most of the folks on Saturday before, we had an instant connection in God’s Word.  We shared the joy of being loved by the perfect Husband, Jesus.  We had a common desire to share this great gift with everyone we can.  The initiative on the ballot in Minnesota isn’t about trying to force liberal opponents into subjection to our will.  Quite to the contrary, it’s about preserving a gift from God that is there for all to receive.  Marriage in God’s way is a great gift for society as a whole (Kingdom of the Left Hand).  It’s also a great gift as it leads people to see the grace of God vividly illustrated (Kingdom of the Right Hand).  Even in Minnesota, marriage between one man and one woman is a wonderful gift from God.  Yah sure!  You betcha!

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Congregational Life Shaped by Marriage in God’s Way

An understanding of “Marriage in God’s Way” can be very useful to a Christian congregation in many aspects of its life.  It can help with preparing couples for marriage, counseling couples in marriage crisis, helping teens deal with dating issues, guiding preschoolers to the foundation of loving relationships,  helping widows and widowers deal with new relationships, and the list could go on.  In fact, when a congregation is shaped by marriage in God’s way, it becomes a place where the justifying work of Jesus is made known loud and clear in words and actions.  The evangelistic witness of a congregation is enhanced when it’s shaped by the sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love of Jesus.

I treat this topic at length in an article I wrote recently for the online journal produced by Concordia University, Nebraska, Issues in Christian Education.   See my article “How Congregations Can Be Proactive and Evangelical in Marriage Education” starting on page 21 of the summer 2012 edition.  “Marriage in God’s Way” is NOT just about marriage.  It provides the foundation for all the relationships associated with the life and witness of a Christian congregation.  When we understand and teach marriage in God’s way, relationships prosper and the world sees the love of Jesus Christ incarnate.

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Morale Booster

Just the other day I was meeting with the Board of Directors of my congregation.  I knew that some other board members were sharing with me in a bit of low morale.  Factors feeding this “bummed out” attitude included: more work to do and less people willing to help; the looming task of preparing the budget for another year; members who are content to quietly slip away rather than work through issues with their church family; the shortening of days and lengthening of dark chilly nights.

To realign our perspective, we went back to our vision statement based on a “Thumbs Up” Worldview.  The key to this worldview is that we first look up to Jesus Christ who still loves us unconditionally and will never forsake us.  Even when dark days come our way, we know we’re forgiven and bound for heaven.  This certainly makes the present darkness seem less oppressive.  The “Thumbs Up” worldview also reminds us that when we have a Christian spouse and children awaiting us at home, we’re rich beyond measure and we have a reason to rejoice in the midst of unhappy circumstances.   This worldview also renews our focus on building loving relationships with fellow church members and an unchurched world around us based on the love of Jesus.  We can’t make people love us, but we can show them sacrificial, unconditional and incarnate love as we’ve received it from Jesus.  Trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit, we move forward with joy in confident hope that He will do abundantly more than all we ask or imagine.

Refocusing on the “Thumbs Up” worldview helped the Board look at life in God’s way.  It lifted us all from the doldrums of naval gazing to the delight of being cross-eyed.  It reminded us of the privilege we have to serve such a mighty and gracious Lord.  One Board member passed along her renewed perspective after the meeting to the rest of her committee members in an email that said, “Was reminded tonight at the BOD meeting of what my true purpose on this earth is and to live to serve. :)”  The grace of God in Christ DOES change our perspective when we renew our priorities according to a “Thumbs Up” worldview.

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“Thumbs Up” for the Adopted Child

Five-year-old Diana sat cold and frightened in the little room at the airport where she had been taken upon her arrival in the United States.   She feared she would be abandoned here, just as she had been abandoned at the orphanage as a baby.  When her new parents and their pastor entered the room, beaming with love, Diana received a glimmer of hope.  She wasn’t about to let her guard down entirely, but she would give this thing a chance.  The social worker had told Diana that her new parents were Christians.  This helped her believe that things could work out.  In the orphanage, Diana had learned of Jesus and His love for her.  This had helped her through many dark days.  But, Jesus seemed so distant.  Now, seeing her new parents and pastor in the flesh, Diana felt as though she might be catching a glimpse of Jesus for the first time.  When her new mom reached out a tentative and shaking hand toward her, Diana said a quick prayer and reached out her own trembling hand in response.  The touch of their fingers was electric as all that Diana had heard about Jesus seemed to be flowing through them.  In the days ahead, Diana saw and felt the love of Christ in many wonderful ways.  She was assured that Jesus was still with her in this new home.  She was also assured that she would be loved unconditionally and for all her days by her parents, her pastor and her whole church family.  It was hard for her to totally forget her past abandonment, but the love she was receiving gave her the courage to hope.  She would not run in fear, but would walk in faith.  She would cling to her “Thumbs Up” worldview that was beginning to take on new clarity and fullness.

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“Thumbs Up” for the Troubled Teen

Joe was terrified to face his parents.  How could he tell them that his girlfriend was pregnant?  Thoughts of suicide crept into the back of his mind.  He mustered the courage to tell his older sister, Jennifer.  After wiping her silent tears, Jennifer had hugged Joe so tightly, he felt he couldn’t breathe, but it was such a wonderful feeling to know she still accepted him as her brother.  After praying together, Jennifer walked with Joe to face Mom and Dad.  The conversation was immensely challenging and exhausting as it taxed every emotion in every member of this tight-knit family.  But, in the end, the love of Christ is what prevailed.  Forgiveness was granted in Jesus’ name.  Unconditional support was offered to help Joe with the tough obligations that awaited him.  The whole family walked together, along with Joe’s girlfriend, into the pastor’s office to discuss the situation and what to do from here.  The pastor acted with the same love that Joe’s sister and parents had shown him.  Although Joe knew that the future would be challenging, he was emboldened to face it.  He had experienced the “Thumbs Up” worldview in action from those he loved and respected the most.  He would not abandon it, but would faithfully follow it down the rocky road ahead.

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“Thumbs Up” for the Divorced Mom

Sally was filled with shame as she confessed to Pastor Jacobs that Terry had served her with divorce papers just before leaving town with another woman.  Not knowing what else to do, she had followed the lawyer’s advice and signed the papers.  She thought for sure that the pastor would chastise her and probably proceed with steps toward excommunication.  She was surprised when he simply sat quietly listening with a caring countenance.  As he heard her confess her many failings in the marriage, Pastor Jacobs asked her if she desired to receive the forgiveness of Christ.  When she eagerly assented, she was jubilant to receive Holy Absolution.  Pastor Jacobs assured her of the unconditional love of the Bridegroom, Christ.  His sacrifice on the cross was for her by name.  She was free from the bonds of her guilt.  Sally found delight in this news, but then proceeded to voice her fears about the future.  She didn’t feel worthy to return to worship and other church activities.  She also questioned her ability to raise her children.  Pastor Jacobs walked her through the words of the “Thumbs Up” worldview.  Sally was heartened to hear that she would always be the recipient of the sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love of her faithful Husband, Christ.  She was always welcome in His presence with her faith family in worship.  Pastor Jacobs also assured Sally that he and the other men of the church would represent Christ in a fatherly role for her children.  They would be incarnate reminders that her children had not been abandoned by their heavenly Father.  Sally knew that even though the road ahead would be hard, it would not be one she would be walking alone.  Christ Jesus would remain at her side each step of the way.  Christ would also be present for her incarnationally through the caring concern of Pastor Jacobs and her faith family.  She would not give up, but would face the future with a “Thumbs Up” worldview.

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“Thumbs Up” for the Witnessing Couple

Brian and Liz Smith were worried about their neighbors.  The couple next door was being stressed by bitterness and selfishness.  The Smiths went to the Lord together in prayer on behalf of their neighbors.  They were led by the “Thumbs Up” worldview they had learned at church to continue, unashamed, as a model of Christian marriage for their neighbors to see.  They openly spoke of each other as best friends and didn’t hide their regular sharing of confession and forgiveness with each other.  They also willingly sacrificed their selfish fears and courageously spoke to their neighbors about the love of Christ.  The neighbors were shocked that anyone still cared about them even though their bitterness toward each other had sometimes poured out into the neighborhood as well.  One night, Liz sat listening to her neighbor confessing her many failings and crying out for help in trying to save her failing marriage.  At the same time, Brian was next door with the husband in a similar conversation.  By the miraculous working of the Holy Spirit, both neighbors were receptive to the forgiving words of Christ that night.  They also eagerly listened as Brian and Liz each explained the “Thumbs Up” worldview with the appropriate words for their hearer to fully understand.  By God’s power, a marriage doomed for destruction was turned in a new direction, following the Christian model and guidance being offered by Brian and Liz.

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“Thumbs Up” for the Widowed Pastor

Pastor Muller was devastated at the death of his dear bride of 40 years.  It left him questioning whether he could continue to carry on in his personal life and as a pastor.  After the initial shock started to subside, he began to realize all was not lost.  He recalled the words of Eph. 5:32 that spoke of the mysterious love of Christ for His bride, the church.  Pastor Muller rejoiced that he was still being held tightly in the unconditional love of Jesus.  He cherished the physical touch of the incarnate Christ in His Supper each week.  Sustained by these gifts, Pastor Muller could get up each morning and face a new day.  Life would never be totally the same as before, but the relationship that mattered most was still the same; that with the Bridegroom.

The comforting love of the Bridegroom also gave Pastor Muller the strength and guidance he needed to continue as a shepherd of the Lord’s sheep.  It was not his own power that he was dispensing, but it was the love of the Bridegroom that he was passing along.  He could continue to do this as he loved his members sacrificially, unconditionally and incarnationally.  In fact, he now had a better understanding of those in his care who had also lost their spouse.  By his example of reliance on the Bridegroom, he could be an inspiration to them.  His ministry would not be the same as before, but it could still be effective as he faithfully received and shared the love of the Bridegroom, Christ.

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“Thumbs Up” for the Congregational Chairman

Scott was elected to the daunting role of chairman of his congregation.  He had no idea where to start and was fearful that he would fail miserably.  As he sat with his wife for their morning devotions together, he asked her to pray with him, which she eagerly did.  She then reminded him to pull out the “Thumbs Up” worldview handout they had received in worship the week before.  Reviewing it again, Scott was heartened about where to go next in his role as chairman.  Step one was to continue his regular worship and devotional life.  As long as he continued to receive the perfect love of the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, he was on solid footing.  This would also be the model that others needed to see.  Next, he would keep growing in his relationship with his wife.  She had promised to sacrificially give him the time he would need to carry out his role as chairman.  She would give him the unconditional support he would need, even when his own self-doubts would attack him at times.  She would also be there to hold his hand in prayer before he headed off to each meeting.  Her love would be a tremendous help in the task ahead.

As Scott considered the fulfillment of his duties as chairman, he realized that he already knew what mattered most.  He was receiving the sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love of the Bridegroom regularly.  He was giving and receiving this same kind of love in relationship to his wife.  This same love would also be instructive for his role of chairman and for the work of the congregation as a whole.  All of the boards and committees under his supervision could refer back to the concepts of the “Thumbs Up” worldview in the accomplishment of their duties.  Sacrificing selfish desires would be important for all to come together in agreement on the many matters to be addressed.  Caring for one another unconditionally would help them forgive each other for the failings that would certainly occur.  Being with each other in the flesh, eating meals together on occasion, and especially attending the Lord’s Supper together, would keep them tightly bound as the body of Christ.  With a “Thumbs Up” worldview, Scott was confident as he stepped forth to fulfill his vocation of chairman.

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Congregational Vision Based on the “Thumbs Up” Worldview

Here’s the guiding vision for Faith Lutheran Church of Grand Blanc, MI based on God’s guidance for relationship priorities.

A “Thumbs Up” Worldview    

JESUS Christ is the highest priority for each of us personally and as a congregation.  He loves us sacrificially, unconditionally and incarnationally and has freed us from sin and hell.  He daily fills us with joy and true peace through His Word and Sacraments.  We praise Him as our Savior and honor Him as our Lord.  We eagerly serve Jesus with our entire life … personally, as a family at home and as a congregational “Faith family.”  We give Jesus our very best in the use of our time, talents and material treasures.

SPOUSE is the next priority in our Faith family.  Married couples in our midst cherish their marriage as a reflection of the perfect union between Christ and the church.  They know Christ WILL bless and preserve their marriage as they live it out in His way.  And, whether married or single, we are ALL “married” to Christ Jesus.  Even single members join the rest of the Faith family in receiving and reflecting the sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love of our perfect Husband, Jesus Christ.

CHILDREN & EXTENDED FAMILY are the next priority in our Faith family.  Parents have a high calling to raise their children in Christian faith.  They also have a responsibility to care for the members of their extended family; parents, siblings, in-laws, step-family, etc.  As husband and wife love each other in God’s way, they’re teaching their children and other family members about the sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love of Christ.  The rest of the Faith family also prays for, trains and supports each parent in our midst (married or single) in raising children to be lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ.  The Faith family also prays for and assists every member in caring for their extended family members with the same love shown to us by our Bridegroom, Jesus.

CHURCH FAMILY is the next priority for every member of our Faith family.  We care deeply for all our fellow disciples of Jesus Christ, first here at Faith, but also for other Christians in our community and throughout the world.  We pray regularly for one another.  We care for bodily needs as well as emotional and spiritual needs.  In word and deed, we use our time, talents and material treasures to support one another.  We’re committed to joining together in weekly worship and growth in our understanding of God’s Word.

WORLD-wide relationships with those who are not yet disciples of Jesus Christ are the final but not at all unimportant priority in our Faith family.  We have deep concern for everyone we encounter every day who is not yet free from sin and the threat of hell.  We do all we can to make Christ known to them as their own Savior and Lord.  We pray for them earnestly.  We join our Faith family in all our local efforts to make Christ known.  We take part in and support efforts around the world to lead others to receive salvation in Christ and to live out the joyous life of Christian discipleship He freely gives.

FAITH is a place for all of us to live together each day with a

“Thumbs Up” worldview.

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