Christian Character

Fork_in_path_in_park © by DennisM2

Christian character is something we’ve got to have if we’re going to show Jesus Christ to the world in the way He’s commanded us to do.  It’s made up of the 1000’s of decisions we make every single day to act God’s way.  This doesn’t come naturally for us.  How do we get there?

It starts with our marriage to the ultimate Bridegroom, Jesus.  Through Baptism and the faith He gives us, our minds become His.  The faith that’s fed as we daily consume His Word and regularly receive His Supper takes control of us so we BECOME people of Christian character. It’s a change the Holy Spirit creates in us from the inside out.

It’s comforting to know this is where we get Christian character.  If it were up to me to just dig in and work hard at being good, I’d be worried sick.  I know I could never get it right.  I’d screw up even those 1000’s of little decisions each day.  But, when I stay focused on the Bridegroom, Jesus, I know HE will BE in me to guide and change me.

And, you know what?  I’ve seen it happen.  Now that I’m nearly half a century old, I’ve seen that I’m making a lot better decisions than I did as a boy.  I’m sure not perfect, but better than I was.  My character’s being formed as I’m receiving Christ’s love and choosing to let that love guide me.

Living with Christian character isn’t a mathematical equation.  It’s wrong to say you choose to have it and then just do it.  It’s also wrong to say you’re baptized and then you’ll just do it.  In both cases, you WON’T.  Instead, Christian character is a state of being.  It’s BEING married to Jesus, the great “I AM.”  It’s rejoicing in being baptized into a marriage union with Him that brings us His perfect love every day.  As we cherish every Word of love from His lips, they flow into us and through us and guide us to make decisions of love … 1000’s of them every day.  That’s life in God’s way.  That’s a life of Christian character.  That’s a beautiful witness of Jesus Christ for all the world to see.

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Yes, I’m a Thinker

Let me start this post by warning you, this is Heather writing today.  This is my first time sharing and frankly I’m stepping outside of my box.  I have wanted to write a post for a  a month now but I kept putting it off, okay procrastinating until I felt so much guilt for not writing that I’m forcing myself to do this task.  I’m the one who would rather read 10 other people’s blogs than try to come up with my own witty and  inspirational words.  It’s not natural for me to put all of my many thoughts into organized and interesting words.  I know a lot of this has to do with my personality.  I’m a thinker.

The Thinker © by rjhuttondfw

I’ve been reading this book, “Personality Plus,” by Florence Littauer and have  loved learning about the 4 different personality types that Littauer describes;  Popular Sanguine, Powerful Choleric, Perfect Melancholy and Peaceful Phlegmatic.    I took the 40 question quiz at the beginning and figured out that I’m a “Perfect Melancholy”.  Then I made Todd, our kids, my mom, my 3 sisters and my two college friends take it.  I have really gotten into this.  You might think I’m crazy, but I attribute my new obsession to my personality type.  I’m a thinker.  Yes, a pessimistic, introverted, thinker.  Wow, when I saw those words I was heart broken.  I started to think and think and think some more.  Go figure.  I guess I really am a thinker, though I never really thought of myself as one.  I decided to read more and really learn about the 4 different personality types that Littauer describes.   I realized that I did have many of the strengths and weaknesses of a perfect melancholy.  I’ve been able to finally put words to all of my thinking.  I’ve been able to see my strengths more clearly and focus on my particular weaknesses as areas I need to work on.

You might be wondering why I’m sharing all of this.  Well, I feel that it has really helped me in all of my relationships.  As I said earlier, I “made” all of my closest family and friends take the quiz (some more willingly than others, thank you) so I would have a better understanding of who they are too.  I was amazed to discover that of my 3 sisters and me, we each scored highest in one of the 4 different personality types.  How cool is that.  And looking at the various strengths of each of the types it really does fit each of us.  I love knowing this and having words for it.   I’ve been able to use my new knowledge to understand my family and to know that many of their words and actions do truly fit with the type of person they are.  Of course we all realize that no one is 100% in any of the personality types but that’s what makes each of us so unique.

In the past I would often get hurt by comments others made and I’d take it so personally and I’d think about it for days.  Now I can see that because of my perfect melancholy personality my weakness is to be too sensitive and the weakness of other types is to not be sensitive enough when they’re speaking.  This combination led me to get hurt and have a lower self esteem.   Now, after having a better understanding of the natural strengths and weaknesses of others I can let those seemingly flippant comments go and not take them so personally.

God has made each of us in a very unique and special way.  We all have different personalities with particular strengths and weaknesses that make us who we are.  I love knowing that our Creator is perfect and has a perfect plan for each of us.  It’s our job to live out each of our relationships in a way that pleases Him.  I’m trying to strengthen my relationships by learning about these 4 personality types and loving those around me in a better way, God’s way.  Keeping HIM first in my life, I’m able to forgive those who hurt me and love others unconditionally, even if they’re not thinkers.  No matter what, God still loves me.  I think I’ll go and think about that some more.


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A Gay New Year

It happened in Maine yesterday.  Couples were lined up at midnight to get their marriage license and tie the knot.  The news report showed the smiling faces of two men who had waited for years for this opportunity.   I could rant and rave about how this just isn’t right and that it’s not what God intends for us.  Instead, I’m filled with sadness.  I’m sad that the events in Maine are the fitting next step in a sequence of events that has progressed for years in our nation.  It’s part of a cycle that’s repeated itself time and time again in the history of earth.  Whenever we choose to ignore God’s way for marriage, it loses its power and blessings.  It becomes a throw away institution we can use for a time and then discard when it no longer makes us feel good … just like the new video game we got for Christmas.  I’m sad that EVERYWHERE you look, you see people cheating themselves out of God’s tremendous gift of marriage.  It’s true in these latest marriages in Maine.  It’s true in “moral” America.  It’s true in our Christian churches.

How do we break free from such a sad situation?  NOT with anger and malicious tirades.  Only by returning to God’s way.  Only when a man decides to leave mother and father, hold fast to his one wife and become one flesh with her for life.   Only when one man and one woman choose to love sacrificially, unconditionally and incarnationally.   Only when we learn of such love from Jesus by praying and studying His Word daily.  Only then will there be hope for marriage.  It’s then that couples can live in the daily forgiveness of Jesus that gives us lasting, guilt-free love.  It’s then that the peace, joy and deep-seated happiness will return to marriages everywhere.  It’s then that couples will WANT to live in God’s way because it’s so much better than our way.  It’s then that the joy of marriage in God’s way will be so appealing to the world that many will ask us how to have it.  It’s then that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be able to draw others into a saving marriage with HIM first.  It’s then that the institution of marriage in God’s way will bring hope to all the relationships in our land.  It’s then that more and more couples will be so content with their godly relationships that they won’t be deceived by all of Satan’s lies about finding happiness apart from God’s way.

This is what I see when I read headlines like those in Maine.  I see the urgent need for those of us who know God’s good way for marriage and relationships to live our life in God’s way… more clearly and vocally.  Enjoy God’s good gifts to the fullest.  Let your peace, joy, and enduring happiness be evident to all.  It’s then that we can face the new year with purpose and hope instead of anger and despair.

Living life in God’s way … I pray a BLESSED NEW YEAR to you all!

Happy New Year ! 2013 © by El coleccionista de instantes

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Death Comes Home

Pete and Hannah

Death came home this week.  You’re probably tracking with me directly to Newtown, CT.  I’m getting there, but by passing through my own home first.  Yesterday morning we awoke to find that our family’s beloved pet parakeet, Pete, had died during the night.  Seems trivial in the big picture.  But, it was significant in our home.  It brought the reality of death into our home in a way we couldn’t ignore.  It required the physical viewing of death.  It required the digging of a grave and the burying of earthly remains.  It required (or at least certainly produced) the shedding of tears.  This visitation of death within our own doors made the events in Newtown much more real.  It reminded us that we’re far too callous to the pain of death that’s all around us EVERY day.  The media attention to Newtown has touched us all.  We see and hear the heart-breaking reports and we’re moved to tears.  Still … most of us aren’t the ones who must place the body of our loved one into a cold, dark hole in the ground.  When death comes into OUR homes, the reality can shake the very foundation of our lives.

It’s then that relationship is SOOOO important.  Our daily relationship with Jesus is the ONLY thing that can get us through the reality of death.  Jesus, who came in REAL flesh and blood at Christmas, also died and rose in REAL flesh and blood.  He loved us to death … and still does.  This knowledge is the only thing that gets us through the reality of death.  The love of Jesus doesn’t stop all evil from coming into our homes.  We still live in a sick, sin-infected world.  By the prompting of the Devil, sinful people will continue to bring hurt into our lives.  BUT, Jesus loves us with a love that breaks through the limits of death.  Even if death does come into our homes, we know it’s NOT the final word.  We, who are in a relationship with Jesus, are certain that we will STAY in that relationship for eternity.

Death is real.  It ALWAYS stinks!  It ALWAYS hurts!

Death is NOT the end … for those who are loved by the REAL God-man Jesus!  He conquered death!  He gives us victory over death!  We’re in an eternal relationship with Him!  This is our REAL comfort and hope … when death comes home.

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His Workmanship

Does a piece of wood need to be perfect to become a beautiful piece of art?  Not at all.  In fact, it’s often the pieces of wood with the most flaws and blemishes that become the most beautiful works of art.  I saw this recently as I turned a bowl on the lathe.  I took a nasty old chunk of Maple wood and turned it into an interesting bowl.  Not very functional, perhaps, but very intriguing to the eye and the hand.  Now that it’s done, I enjoy running my hands over its smooth sections as well as its flaws.  Each adds to the uniqueness of the piece.








Do you have to be perfect to be a Christian?  Some may think so.  NOT TRUE!  In fact, it’s only when we admit how far from perfect we really are that Jesus can take us by HIS power and make us into Christians.  When we confess all our faults, flaws and blemishes to Jesus, He eagerly forgives us and turns us into something beautiful in spite of our flaws.  And, in fact, in the hands of the Master, those flaws can contribute to something beautiful in the end.  In other words, God can use what was bad in us for His good purposes.

Been through a divorce?  Failed your parents?  Betrayed a friend?  While these failings in what God intends for relationships cause a lasting blemish on our soul, God can use our experiences for good.  Perhaps you can relate to the person who’s hurting in a time of divorce and bring the help only Jesus gives.  Perhaps you can offer the freedom of forgiveness in a powerful way since you know exactly what it meant to you.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works … .” Eph. 2:10, ESV  Jesus forgives our faults.  And, in His hands, those faults actually contribute to a beautiful piece of work in the end!

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“… Priceless”

Polar Express © by Јerry

Hotel – $100.  Dinner at Old Train Station – $50.   Memories made – PRICELESS!  That pretty well summarizes my last 24 hours.  Ever since the movie “The Polar Express” came out a few years ago, Heather and I have made it a family tradition to take the kids on a “Polar Express” adventure each Christmas season.  I pretend I’m the conductor and announce the surprise boarding of the “Polar Express” (our car) to take us to our next Christmas-time destination.  This year we went to a hotel with an indoor pool since the kids love to swim.  We also went to the old train station in Ann Arbor that has been converted into a nice restaurant.  We enjoyed a fine dinner including a stop outside the window by the Amtrak commuter train.  We had a great time!

This sort of an adventure is not something that comes natural for me.  I’ve always been the type who says you shouldn’t spend a penny if you don’t have too.  “Have to” means things like basic food, shelter (with a thermostat set at a high of 65) and clothes to cover your body.  Luxuries like going to a hotel and eating out (when not absolutely necessary for travel) used to be “a waster of good money” to an old scrooge like me.  But, I’ve learned something about myself.  If I don’t get away from the church and home entirely, I have a hard time really focusing on my wife and kids.  I’m tempted to give them half-hearted attention.  Little outings like this help me to disengage entirely and give my full attention to my family.  It’s a way for me to say, “I love you MORE than my work!”  I’ve also found that the memories we make truly are priceless.  I’m sure we’ll remember our dinner by the tracks for the rest of our lives.  There are few things you can buy that promise a pay-back like that.

Yes, I’ve come a long way in life from the penny-pinching bachelor I was 20 years ago.  Keeping my “thumb up” to Jesus as my first priority in life has paid off.  I’ve learned that the things that REALLY matter can’t be bought at any price.  And, I ALREADY have them as gifts from Jesus … forgiveness, peace, joy, eternal life.  And, the next most important things in life … my wife and kids … really enjoy the love of Jesus I show them when I give them my focused attention.  If the “luxury” expenditure of a “Polar Express” outing can accomplish that, then it’s money well spent.  I thank God for the opportunity to use a bit of the money He’s provided me to pass along His love.  The memories made are, indeed, PRICELESS!

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Living Single

Christmas time is supposed to be filled with joy, peace, hope … and family.  That last one isn’t necessarily what God says about Christmas in the Bible, but it’s come to be expected in our society.  And, sadly, since so many don’t have good family relationships, Christmas time is often a time of loneliness, sadness, depression or even anger.  This seems to be especially true for those who are living single.  Whether they’re not married, divorced or widowed, it can still hurt like crazy to not be connected to someone special at Christmas … or any time.  No one likes to be alone all the time.  I knew the heartache of being single when I started out as a young pastor.  Quite honestly, my solution wasn’t always very godly and pious.  I would immerse myself in serving my congregation.  I’d never spend any time at home except to eat a quick bite and sleep a few hours.  It’s amazing how little you spend on heat when you never turn your thermostat above 58 degrees!  But, underneath my busy routine, there was this aching need for real, lasting companionship.

What got me through that time?  THE most important thing was a discovery from God’s Word, specifically from words like those of Eph. 5:31 & 32.  As I studied this passage, the Holy Spirit finally broke through my bitterness over the lack of a wife and helped me see that I was ALREADY married … to the most perfect spouse.  I was already betrothed to Jesus Christ!  Jesus was the spouse who would ALWAYS do and give anything for me, ALWAYS love and forgive me unconditionally, ALWAYS touch and support me in His Supper.  The love that Jesus had for me was perfect.  He provided me what I really needed to be joyful, peaceful, hopeful and content.  GRANTED, He didn’t always give me these things in the way I wanted, but He did give me those things when I kept Him first in my life as I was supposed to.  My loneliness started to be replaced with extended times in Bible reading and prayer.  My sadness was often turned to joy as I remembered I was already living eternal life with my perfect spouse.  My anger was replaced with gratitude toward the one who loved me better than any person ever could.  Of course, I’m NOT the perfect spouse.  I did (and still do) turn my back on Jesus and sat in the doldrums of self-pity on many occasions … especially at Christmas time.  But, Jesus never gave up on me.  He would give me a word in Scripture or from the mouth of a friend to point me back to Him.  His love never fails.

This is the hope for every single person on earth.  Jesus Christ is the perfect spouse for ALL people … never married, divorced, widowed … ALL people!  And, His love CAN break through the darkest hours of loneliness, depression and anger.  When we humbly cry, “Lord, I can’t do this on my own!” He quickly responds with a tender and understanding, “I know.  That’s why I died for you, rose for you, live for you and LOVE YOU ALWAYS!”  His sacrifice and  free forgiveness are better than what any spouse could ever give.  His persistent, unconditional comfort and support is longer and deeper than any sinful human could ever manage.  His incarnate support of our every bodily need through food, shelter, caring friends and His Holy Meal are more pure and lasting than the temporary pleasures offered by anyone or anything else on earth.

When you’re alone, depressed and sad it’s hard to see any reason for joy and hope.  That’s where those of us who know the perfect love of Jesus can step in to help.  We can never fill their emptiness in the way they really need it most.  But, we CAN point them to the One who can and wants to.  As we point the lonely, hurting soul to Jesus, He’s ready and waiting to welcome them into His loving embrace.  And, by His mysterious and miraculous power, He’s able to break through the darkness and give them the light of life.  He continually lifts the lonely to the realms of peace, hope and joy.  He gives them the gift of REAL married life in its perfect form.  Jesus, the babe of Christmas, is also the perfect Husband who will always be there for the one who’s living single.  And, when you’re living single IN GOD’S WAY, you’re never alone.  You’re ALREADY married to the perfect Husband who ALWAYS loves you sacrificially, unconditionally and incarnationally.  As the Spirit fills us with this Good News, hope prevails.  Christmas is never lonely again.  It’s the celebration of the birth of true love that will NEVER fail us.

Baby Jesus © by midiman

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Thankfulness Follows

Fall Cornucopia — Rosslyn (VA) November 2012 © by Ron Cogswell

When you keep your “thumb up” to Jesus, thankfulness follows.  Jesus is perfect in His love to us, His bride.  He never fails us, but always supports us.  He supplies what we really need every day.  When we keep a “thumbs up” perspective, it gives us the right view of everything in life.  We don’t get so caught up in the small stuff … which is everything in this world by comparison to the eternal blessings Jesus gives us.  We are forgiven.  We are loved.  We are bound for heaven.  We’re free from fear, guilt and despair.  We have a living hope.  Thankfulness follows from such a view on life.

Keeping our focus on Jesus also leads to thankfulness for all His blessings in the here and now.  When we consider how selfish, foolish and rebellious we are, we know we really don’t deserve anything from Jesus.  But, He acts with unconditional and compassionate love to give us food, clothes, houses, cars, CHOCOLATE (my personal favorite) and so much more materially.  Better than these things, He also guides us to fulfilling and joyful relationships with others as we live life in His way.  Loving spouse.  Beautiful children.  Supportive friends.  Church family.  All these relationships are gifts from God.  All these relationships in HIS way cause thankfulness to follow.

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He IS good!  That’s worth a big THUMBS UP!

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Oh, Baby!

Theophilus Stephen

The birth of a baby is always miraculous and thrilling.  This was especially true this past weekend when my associate pastor’s wife gave birth to their second son.  Little Theophilus was born a few days earlier than expected, but without any problems for baby or Mom.  We certainly have a reason to rejoice.

I especially rejoice with this family because they have their priorities in order.  Before Theophilus was even born, they had his baptism date scheduled.  They knew that the most important thing they could do for this little one was to put him into the hands of Jesus.  From the get go, they’re teaching him about “Thumbs Up” to Jesus.

I’m also a bit biased on this one because Heather and I have been asked to be Theophilus’ godparents.  What a humbling privilege.  We have the awesome and wonderful responsibility to point Theophilus to Jesus throughout his life.  We get to lift him up to the Lord in prayer every day.  We get to share the greatest treasures of all with him … forgiveness, new life in Christ, eternal life with Jesus in heaven, divine guidance for every day.  It’ll be fun to give Theophilus the cute clothes and the cool toys.  It’ll be fun to teach him lots of bad tricks while Mom and Dad aren’t looking.  But, most of all, it’ll be awesome to make sure he understands where to point his thumb (when it’s not in his mouth) … UP to JESUS!

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Clear Mission

Faithfully living every relationship in God’s way.  That’s the mission statement for my congregation.  It’s based on a “Thumbs Up” worldview.  First and foremost, we live in relationship to Jesus Christ.  He’s our Savior.  He’s our Lord.  He’s number one in all we do.  All our other relationships flow from this first one as God intended.  Whether it’s our spouse, our children, our fellow Christians or acquaintances in the world, we strive to live all these other relationships in God’s way.  The mission statement is simple, but it says an awful lot.

Jesus Christ! © by Loozrboy

At a new member class the other night, one participant commented, “I’ve seen a lot of mission statements in my lifetime in the world of business and THAT is a great mission statement.  It’s clear, concise, understandable and powerful.  Very good!”  The rest of the class chimed in with their agreement and added their own supportive comments.  Relationships are the key to life … when Jesus is the first.  It was great to hear that these new members “got” it.  Not only did they “get” it, but they were on fire to live by it and share it.

No matter where our world is headed, the folks from the new member class are ready to live their life under the guiding principle of faithfully living every relationship in God’s way.  They know and believe that Jesus will not fail them as they have a saving relationship with Him.  They also know that their other relationships will work out the best when they take what they learn from Jesus and apply it in these other relationships.  In God’s way, relationships prosper.

Presidents come and go.  Nations come and go.  Relationships in God’s way will last forever!

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