The Son WILL Rise!

DOMA.  Prop 8.  Marriage redefined.  God’s ways gone.

Have we entered a period of darkness that will never be broken?  It may seem hopeless to stand up for the Truth when it comes to marriage or any other aspect of life in God’s way.

Yet … I’m reminded of an encounter in J. R. R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit.”  Bilbo Baggins and his accompanying band of dwarves have been captured by mighty trolls who are preparing to feast on them that very night.  However, the wizard Gandalf arrives upon the scene.  He sees the plight of his diminutive friends and formulates a plan.  He knows that even though the trolls possess great strength and appear to have the upper hand, the inevitable advance of the universe according to its established design cannot be stopped.  The sun is about to rise.  Gandalf knows that if the rays of that sun fall upon the trolls, they’ll be turned to stone and their evil schemes will be foiled.  So, Gandalf uses his wits to distract the trolls and lead them into a prolonged dispute about the preparations for their feast.  The self-absorbed, tunnel-visioned trolls fail to see the signs of their pending doom. They’re caught off guard by the rising sun.  They meet their end in the light of day and their would be meal is free to live another day.

Some may think their brilliance and might have given them an inevitable victory over the weak fools who follow the teachings of the God of the Bible.  But, they’re missing the signs of the inevitable advance of the universe according to the plan of its Maker.  Jesus, “the Sun of Righteousness” (Mal. 4:2), WILL rise upon us.  This is the absolutely certain end in store for our world.  We can no more stop this than we can stop the rising of the sun.  And, when He rises on the Last Day, He will deliver His faithful children from the darkness and every captive bond, even from death itself, to live on with Him forever in the joy of heaven.

We dare not lose our faith or our wits.  We must cling to the Truth that has ever set us free from sin, deception, fear and the power of death.  We must continue to hold up the Truth that declares marriage to be the life long union between one man and one woman.  We must keep sharing the Truth so that every person on earth will join our foolish and weak “hobbit” band before the Son returns, leaving that old troll, Satan, standing alone to bear the destruction that awaits him at that time.  We must continue to rejoice in the Truth that we are claimed by the Bridegroom Jesus to be His bride forever.  Holding to this Truth in unswerving faith, our day of deliverance is inevitable.  REJOICE!  As surely as the sun rises each morning according to the Creator’s plan, the “Sun of Righteousness” WILL dawn upon us to give us the Light of Life … eternally!DSC03662

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No Boundaries

After some wonderful vacation time to celebrate our anniversary, Heather and I had the privilege of sharing the blessings of marriage in God’s way.  We spent last week as co-presenters for a Grace Place Wellness retreat at Heartwood Conference Center in Trego, Wisconsin.  24 couples from all over the United States were there.  These couples were mostly pastors and their wives, but there were other church workers in attendance with their spouse.  There were young couples that had only been married a short time as well as couples that had been married about 50 years.

Grace Place Attendees

Grace Place Attendees

It was a delight to share what the Bible teaches about marriage in the way God intended it to be … as a life long union between one man and one woman … shaped by the model of Jesus Christ and His love for the church.  The most impressive thing was something Heather and I have seen many times before.  God’s Word applies to couples at any stage in their marriage and from any walk of life.  Every couple in attendance commented on how our material was perfectly applicable to them in their marriage.  They all found something to draw them closer together in a committed and joyful relationship.

Place of birth doesn’t matter (we had missionary kids born overseas).  Age doesn’t matter.  Current place of residence doesn’t matter.  Place of employment doesn’t matter.  Cultural difference doesn’t matter.  Economic level doesn’t matter.  NOTHING hinders the power of God’s Word to bless and guide those who seek to have a marriage in His way.  At the heart of God’s Word and the key to its power is the Gospel of free forgiveness for Christ’s sake.  It’s a gift He freely gives to ALL who repent and turn to Him in faith.  It’s a gift that every husband and wife can share daily.

Here’s the bottom line we shared last week that we’re eager to share with all who will listen.  God’s Word offers everyone SIMPLE, MEMORABLE and GOSPEL-FOCUSED guidance for great marriages.  There are NO boundaries to marriage in God’s Way.

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18 Years of Blessings!

DSC04935On June 3rd my marriage to Heather will have reached adulthood.  This is our 18th wedding anniversary.  Now that we’re past adolescence, I can say with delight that our marriage has, indeed, matured and improved.  We’ve grown in wisdom and understanding of each other.  We’ve shared many happy times together.  Most of all, we’ve learned the importance of relying on the Lord to keep us strong.  Our devotional and prayer life together is better than it’s ever been before.  We know that we’re not perfect, but we are forgiven.  We also have an awesome God on our side.  I can’t wait to see the great things Christ has in store for us in the “adult” years of marriage.

To celebrate our marriage and the blessing of two beautiful children we’ll be on the road for the next week.  We’ll enjoy some needed family time by driving westward, eventually seeing the Tetons and Yellowstone National Park.  I’m SOOO eager to get away from other concerns to focus on the people I love the most.

We’ll also be away for a second week as the kids spend time with Grandpa and Heather and I will be helping lead a Grace Place retreat in Trego, WI.  Heather and I are thrilled to be able to share God’s blessings for marriage and family in association with this awesome organization.  Grace Place is doing wonderful things to strengthen church workers, their families and those they serve.

Due to these upcoming travels, I may not be posting for a while.  In my daily prayers, however, I’ll continue to lift you up as you live your life in God’s way.

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Bye Bye Boy Scouts

When I was a boy growing up in Gladwin, Michigan, a favorite winter game was king of the ice mountain.  We would make a huge pile of snow, ice it down with a lot of water and then fight for control. The key was to get your opponent to step off the very top.  If you could do that, they’d have a quick slide down to the bottom.

By Jeffrey Simms Photography

I’m very sad today that the Boy Scouts of America has begun its own quick slide to the bottom. Yesterday’s decision of the national board to allow local troops to welcome the participation of openly homosexual boys was the first step off the top of the mountain.  The BSA has lost its solid moral footing.  It’s not the issue of homosexuality that’s the key to this demise.  It’s the loss of a single standard of what’s morally right.  By trying to stand for everything, the BSA will now stand for nothing.

As a boy, I was proud to be a Scout.  I knew it stood for something.  The BSA shared my respect for what God had declared to be right in His Word.  Now the BSA has decided that money, majority and might makes right.  As soon as this happens, the number of views on what’s right becomes just as widespread as the number of people on earth.  We each have our own selfish opinion of what’s right and best for “me.”

I’m gonna stick with what I learned in the BSA of my childhood.  God shows us the morally solid place to stand in His Word of Truth.  He’ll give me the stable footing I need as a Christian, husband, father and citizen.  This is the only way to live life in God’s way.  This is the only way to keep from joining the vocal majority on its quick slide down the slippery slope to destruction.   Sticking with God, He’ll keep me on top of the mountain.

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The Husband Store

I received this forward recently.  I have no idea where it first originated, but will gladly ascribe credit if it is brought to my attention.  In the mean time, it serves as a beautiful illustration that men and women are definitely different.  Neither is better than the other, but they are certainly created by the Lord with unique qualities.  ENJOY!

A store that sells new husbands has just opened in New York City, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:  You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!

 So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the First Floor the sign on the door reads:
 Floor 1 – These men Have Jobs.
 She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads:
 Floor 2 – These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.
 “That’s nice”, she thinks, “but I want more.”  So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads:
 Floor 3 – These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking.
 “Wow,” she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.  She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:
 Floor 4 – These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking And Help With Housework.
 “Oh, mercy me!” she exclaims, “I can hardly stand it!”  Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:
 Floor 5 – These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help With Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.
 She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the Sign reads:
 Floor 6 – You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.
 To avoid gender bias charges, the store’s owner opened a New Wives Store just across the street.
 Floor 1 – These wives enjoy sex.
 The second floor sign reads:
 Floor 2 – These wives enjoy sex and have money.
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited.
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The Way It Was Meant to Be

In a room was a pile of nine wooden blocks.  Each was perfectly shaped into the form of a number between 1 and 9.  Also in the room, was a pile of nine wooden cubes.  Each had a hole in it that perfectly matched one of the nine number blocks.  A four year old child was placed in this room and told to put the blocks and cubes together.  That was the only instruction.  In just a few short minutes, the child had a neat row of cubes.  Each had its matching number block neatly and snugly nestled within it.  This scene was repeated several times … until one angry boy decided he didn’t want to be playing with blocks.  He wanted to be outside playing baseball instead.  In anger, he started breaking the blocks and forcing them together in contorted ways.  The #1 was crammed into the #9.  The #2 cube was broken in half and part was inside the #5 cube while the other part was inside the #7 cube.  Chunks and splinters of wood were strewn all over.  It was a chaotic mess and the blocks and cubes were destroyed.

The number blocks and matching cubes were designed to go together as pairs in a very specific way.  Humans are designed the same way.  Our physiology cries out in bold testimony to this plan of our Maker.  When we follow the pattern of our design, we pair up nicely, orderly and snugly.  However, when we rebel against the design and force things together in a different way, the results are devastating.

Some things are so obvious that even a four year old can see them.  That’s the way it was meant to be.

From fragmented’s photo stream

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Intolerance or Love?

From samantha.levang’s photostream

Four friends got together each week to have a beer and play poker.  One of them found a cool beer stein in an antique store and started using it to drink his beer each week.  One night, the second of the four friends commented to the first that he saw a stein just like that on the Antique Roadshow and that it’s not worth much but it’s full of lead.  This friend said to the first, “It might kill you to drink from it, but I guess that’s your business.”   But the third friend said to the first, I’m really concerned about the risk of lead poisoning if you keep drinking from that stein.  I’ve got another really cool mug just like the one I’m using that I’d like to give to you.  I really hope you’ll use it instead.  The first friend hesitated and wasn’t sure that he wanted to give up his special new stein.  At that point the fourth friend lost it.  He jumped up and grabbed the stein from his first friend, wrenching his arm in the process.  After yelling at his friend and calling him stupid, he smashed the stein on the floor.
Which of the three friends showed true love to the first?  Jesus would certainly commend the friend who took the middle road … neither apathetic nor aggressive, but appropriately concerned.
Now, in place of the tainted stein, substitute anything you truly believe would be destructive to a friend.  This could be abusing alcohol or drugs.  It could be eating sugar when struggling with diabetes.  It could be living a homosexual lifestyle.  It could be smoking.  It could be harboring deep anger.  It doesn’t really matter what it is.  What matters is if you truly believe it will be destructive to your friend.   If you believe it will be harmful to your friend, you should do what you can to keep her or him from it.  That’s what true love does.  What some people may label as “being judgmental” or “showing intolerance,” may actually be true love in action.

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More than a Feelin’

It’s a problem for teens, adults, children … everyone.  We want what makes us FEEL good.  Plain and simple.  We’re driven by our feelings.  We don’t like pain and discomfort.  We crave what feels good and makes us happy.

This gets us into all kinds of trouble because short term gratification often means long term problems.  Examples are numerous.  The sexual escapade that leads to pregnancy and the responsibility for another human life … forever.  The extra drink that impedes driving and ends a life … forever.  The flight to Vegas with the rebel your parents hate to enter a marriage full of conflict … forever (not even divorce can erase it).  The extra piece of cake that goes to your waist … forever (or at least it seems like it).

From Proggie 2006

There’s wisdom in not just going with our feelings all the time.  There’s wisdom in listening to someone who knows better.  There’s ultimate wisdom in going with the one with ultimate authority; the One who created us; the One who loves us; the One true God … Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  It might not always feel good to do things God’s way.  In fact, I can guarantee it WON’T always feel good since we will have to say NO to our sinful, selfish desires.  But, making the hard decision to do things God’s way has lasting benefits that far outweigh temporary good feelings.  Most of all, there’s the issue of where we’ll live out the rest of our life … forever.  It’s not doing the right thing that will get us to heaven.  But, doing things God’s way keeps our ears and our hearts open to hearing EVERYTHING He has to say, including his Words of free forgiveness for all the times we foolishly give in to our sinful feelings.  If we get in a habit of ignoring God and listening to our feelings instead, we can easily grow deaf to His words of forgiveness and life as well.

If you really love someone (including the person in the mirror), have the courage to point them beyond what feels good now.  Point them to the God who often says, “Stop doing that!”  Point them to the God who always says, “I love you and forgive you for Jesus’ sake.”  They may not like you today, but they may just learn to love you down the road.  That’s part of living life in God’s way.

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Relationships Rule!

Several years ago I received this wise reminder on how to approach work in the church:

“In business, we build relationships to do work.  In the church, we do work to build relationships.”

This has always been helpful to me … when I can actually live by it.  It’s so easy for me to slip into the thinking that I must “get my work done.”  I have to remove things from my task list if I’m going to have a “successful” day.  This week, again, I fell into that mode.  I was becoming very frustrated by the many conversations that kept interrupting “my work.”  But, then the slogan above came to mind.  I sought forgiveness … and received it freely from Christ.   I then welcomed those interruptions.  With a better attitude, I had some EXCELLENT interactions with several people.  Much was accomplished to build some great relationships in God’s way.  Jesus remained the focus rather than ME trying to prove my worth with what I removed from my task list.  I may not have accomplished everything that I wanted to do, but God accomplished what HE wanted to do in and through me.

This concept is so important in the big picture of life.  Much of the work we do will not be remembered beyond today.  However, when we build relationships with others that strengthen our relationship with Jesus and draw others into a relationship with Jesus, then we’re building something of eternal value.

In a world filled with bombers and blasts that take lives in the blink of an eye, it’s crucial that we never forget the value of relationships.  Most of all, we need to keep directing each other to a saving relationship with Jesus.  Now THAT’S something worth WORKING on.

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FREE Weddings!

It’s very easy to become worried or even angry about all the attacks on traditional marriage.  Unfortunately, all the worrying and anger in the world won’t help matters.  This is like “cursing the darkness.”  BETTER is to bring a light into the darkness.  In terms of marriage, what would really be worthwhile would be to show people the value of living out marriages the way God intended them to be.  God certainly has some clear direction on how to have a great marriage that will last.  Eph. 5:31 is a great place to start.

I’ve been praying about what I can do to bring some light to the darkness surrounding marriages today.  One idea keeps coming back to me.  I want to offer a FREE WEDDING to any couple that’s willing to follow God’s plan for marriage.  Specifically, if a man and a woman are willing to attend a “Marriage in God’s Way” seminar with Heather and me, take an online inventory through ZOE Score, go through at least 3 counseling sessions with me, attend worship, show sincere repentance of past sin, receive forgiveness in Christ and commit to living out their marriage in God’s way … then I’ll provide all my services, the counseling material and the church building for their wedding for FREE.  Certainly, there is a concern about whether the couple will be sincere in their repentance and commitment to following God’s will, but I’m thinking it might be worth the risk if it gives me the opportunity to spend that much time teaching them God’s Word through which the Holy Spirit WILL work.

I started with seeking some legal counsel to make sure I cover all the bases in that regard.  I’ve also been sharing this idea with several people in my congregation lately.  They’re all very excited and some are offering to do their part to add more FREE components to the package … music, flowers, dresses, coordinating, food service, etc.  None of this is formal yet, but the idea seems to be getting a lot of good Christians excited about a way we can DO SOMETHING to help marriages rather than just sit around and “curse the darkness.”

A huge affirmation came this week.  I shared the idea with several friends this past Wednesday morning.  They were excited and agreed to pray about it.  Later that afternoon I met with a young, single mom about baptizing her new baby.  She mentioned that she and the baby’s father would like to get married and get their life in order with God’s will, but they can’t afford it.  When I asked her if she’d be interested in a FREE wedding at church, she BEAMED with excitement and exclaimed, “REALLY?!  That would be AWESOME!  I can’t wait to tell me boyfriend!”

I’m curious what YOU think of the idea? Do you like it?  Could it work in your context?  What could make it even better?  Share your thoughts!  Together, I firmly believe we can shine a brilliant light into the darkness!


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