Tag Archives: God’s way

Seminar Sampler

Many people ask to see a sample of the material that Heather and I share about Life in God’s Way.  We’re eager to pass it on so it can touch more lives.  We feel convinced that the Spirit of God will … Continue reading

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MORE Music to My Ears

Last year at this time I wrote about the blessings of our VBS (Vacation Bible School) week here at Faith Lutheran.  I noted that it was “music to my ears” when several children asked me for a Bible of their … Continue reading

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Safe in Her Husband’s Arms

Dr. Meriam Ibrahim.  She’s been in the news a lot lately.  She’s a Christian woman.  Great!  She’s married to a Christian husband.  Wonderful!  She’s the proud mom of a 20 month old little boy.  Super!  She just gave birth to … Continue reading

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ACCURATE Divorce Statistics

My blog last week was so intriguing to many that I thought it was worth one more week of attention.  The accurate statistics on the longevity and satisfaction in marriage are so encouraging that I decided to put them here … Continue reading

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Misleading Divorce Statistics … There IS Hope for Marriage!

You may have heard it said that 50% of all marriages will end in divorce.  Many reputable studies and reports in recent years have shown that THIS JUST ISN’T TRUE!  The actual divorce rate is much lower.   The following … Continue reading

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Contrasting Voices

This past week I was disgusted by the reports that came out from the Grammy Awards.  In a very loud and bold show, the world’s view of relationships was celebrated.  This view was clearly in total defiance of God’s plan … Continue reading

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KFUO Radio Interview

This past Tuesday I was interviewed live on KFUO AM radio by Andy Bates, the host of the daily “Faith-n-Family” program.  I thoroughly enjoyed being able to share God’s awesome way for ALL our relationships.  I basically summarized, in one … Continue reading

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Life in God’s Way – Bible Study 1

Everything in this blog and the Life in God’s Way material comes directly from the principles in God’s Word, the Bible.  I’ve had requests for a simple Bible study to guide understanding of this material.  Participants in our Marriage in … Continue reading

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Marriage … from Creation

I missed posting last week because my family was at the Creation Museum in Hebron, Kentucky.  This trip was my daughter’s request in celebration of her public confirmation of faith in May.  It was our second trip to the museum … Continue reading

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Our Faith Family

My congregation is currently producing a new picture directory.  I’ve been asked to write an introductory letter, which appears below.  It reflects how “Life in God’s Way” influences all we do as a Christian congregation. Our Faith Family We at … Continue reading

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