Creation Museum by Daniel Incandela
I missed posting last week because my family was at the Creation Museum in Hebron, Kentucky. This trip was my daughter’s request in celebration of her public confirmation of faith in May. It was our second trip to the museum and it was, again, AWESOME! We enjoyed seeing the displays, watching the shows and hearing the speakers. I especially enjoyed a talk by Dr. Tim Chaffey titled, “Is Genesis Relevant in Today’s World?” Dr. Chaffey made it clear that EVERYTHING in our world today can be traced back to Genesis. When we understand Genesis, we understand where we came from, where we are going and why we are here. What especially struck me was Dr. Chaffey’s clear affirmation that God’s way for marriage is an integral part of His creation that was established prior to the fall in Eden. The institution of marriage is inseparably bound to all the other parts of God’s beautiful creation. Marriage reveals the love of God incarnate as it gives us a living picture of the love between Jesus Christ and His bride, the church.
While I didn’t hear anything totally new in this talk, it was certainly affirming. It showed what I’ve seen many times before. Whenever you let God and His Word be your sole guide for life, you WILL discover the importance of upholding the institution of marriage between one man and one woman. It’s not a teaching that’s intended to marginalize certain people. Instead, it’s a teaching that joyously proclaims the gracious love of God for ALL mankind. Jesus loves us so completely that He did everything necessary to save us, His bride, from sin and hell. This is what a godly marriage reveals. This is the message that motivates a life in God’s way. It’s what the Creation Museum is eager to proclaim. It’s what I’m willing to die for. The joy of the Lord is my strength and motivation.
P.S. If you’ve never been to the Creation Museum, I highly recommend it!