Category Archives: Teen Life

Hannah’s Reflections on Turning Sixteen

This week, it’s my pleasure to hand this space over to my newly-turned-16-year-old daughter, Hannah.  She has some very insightful thoughts as she now sits on this side of her birthday.  Perhaps they’ll bless you … WHATEVER your age. Blessed … Continue reading

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Sweet 16

My daughter, Hannah, just celebrated her 16th birthday this week.  Can’t believe she’s that old.  Can’t believe I’M that old! On the afternoon of her birthday, Heather and I stood in the driveway and waved goodbye as Hannah went for … Continue reading

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Thumbs Up to the Future

This past Sunday my son, Micah, stood before the congregation to publicly confirm his faith.  Here’s an excerpt of what he shared as his personal faith statement …  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, … Continue reading

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Time with Your Teen

Parents often lament the trials of raising a teen.  They complain that they just don’t know their child anymore.  It’s very easy for parents to become separated from their teen-aged children.  Those teens are torn by so many feelings as … Continue reading

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A Father’s Day Gift

Hi everyone! First let me introduce myself.  I am not Pastor Biermann; I’m his fifteen year old daughter Hannah.  This Father’s Day instead of giving Dad a tangible present, I decided to write this blog entry for him. My Dad … Continue reading

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Panama Mission Trip

From March 26th through April 1st, our family had the privilege to take the principles of “Life in God’s Way” to the people of Panama, Central America.  We lived and worked with Edilberto Mendez, the Director of the Lutheran Hour … Continue reading

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Young Knight

This past Saturday marked a milestone in the life of my son, Micah.  He’ll be turning 13 in November.  To mark this move into the teen years, I planned a special “rite of passage ceremony.”  For the past year, Micah … Continue reading

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Bye Bye Boy Scouts

When I was a boy growing up in Gladwin, Michigan, a favorite winter game was king of the ice mountain.  We would make a huge pile of snow, ice it down with a lot of water and then fight for … Continue reading

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More than a Feelin’

It’s a problem for teens, adults, children … everyone.  We want what makes us FEEL good.  Plain and simple.  We’re driven by our feelings.  We don’t like pain and discomfort.  We crave what feels good and makes us happy. This … Continue reading

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A Teen’s BEST Friend

Teen life is challenging.  This is especially true when it comes to wading through the raging waters of developing hormones and growing interest in the opposite sex.  Sadly, heartbreak is often a big part of this process.  Attempts at dating … Continue reading

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