Safe in Her Husband’s Arms

Daniel Wani and his wife, Meriam Ibrahim

Dr. Meriam Ibrahim.  She’s been in the news a lot lately.  She’s a Christian woman.  Great!  She’s married to a Christian husband.  Wonderful!  She’s the proud mom of a 20 month old little boy.  Super!  She just gave birth to a new daughter.  Beautiful!  She’s slated to receive 100 lashes.  What?!  She’s sentenced to hang as soon as she ‘s weaned her new daughter.  NO WAY!!!  Her crime?  She’s Sudanese and she refuses to recant her Christian faith.  Sadly, this isn’t just a made up story to catch your attention.  Yes, persecution for confessing faith in Christ is still a reality in our world.

Yet, the love of Jesus Christ is also STILL a reality in our sinful world.  And, Jesus, the perfect Husband, holds us safely in His arms as His beloved bride.  Governments and tyrants have tried to squash Jesus since He was born.  They’ve also tried to force His bride to divorce Him with threats and persecution.  But, the bold stand of Meriam Ibrahim is nothing new.  The Spirit has been bolstering the faith of Christians since Jesus first started to claim His bride.  The Spirit reminds us that we ARE safe in the arms of our perfect Husband, Jesus.  Even if the world should take our life, it can’t break the marriage vow between Jesus and His bride.  We WILL join Jesus at the wedding feast in heaven when we leave this world behind.  God’s marriage bond endures!  That gives hope to every one of us.

Yes, the outrageous case of Meriam Ibrahim breaks our hearts.  Yes, we should pray earnestly and act in any way we can to seek her release.  Yes, she is STILL the bride of Christ, first and foremost.  Yes, we are too.  This is our hope.  This is our comfort.  This is our joy … always.

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One Response to Safe in Her Husband’s Arms

  1. Sue Hooper says:

    Very well said. Thanks for your comforting words.

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