FREE Weddings!

It’s very easy to become worried or even angry about all the attacks on traditional marriage.  Unfortunately, all the worrying and anger in the world won’t help matters.  This is like “cursing the darkness.”  BETTER is to bring a light into the darkness.  In terms of marriage, what would really be worthwhile would be to show people the value of living out marriages the way God intended them to be.  God certainly has some clear direction on how to have a great marriage that will last.  Eph. 5:31 is a great place to start.

I’ve been praying about what I can do to bring some light to the darkness surrounding marriages today.  One idea keeps coming back to me.  I want to offer a FREE WEDDING to any couple that’s willing to follow God’s plan for marriage.  Specifically, if a man and a woman are willing to attend a “Marriage in God’s Way” seminar with Heather and me, take an online inventory through ZOE Score, go through at least 3 counseling sessions with me, attend worship, show sincere repentance of past sin, receive forgiveness in Christ and commit to living out their marriage in God’s way … then I’ll provide all my services, the counseling material and the church building for their wedding for FREE.  Certainly, there is a concern about whether the couple will be sincere in their repentance and commitment to following God’s will, but I’m thinking it might be worth the risk if it gives me the opportunity to spend that much time teaching them God’s Word through which the Holy Spirit WILL work.

I started with seeking some legal counsel to make sure I cover all the bases in that regard.  I’ve also been sharing this idea with several people in my congregation lately.  They’re all very excited and some are offering to do their part to add more FREE components to the package … music, flowers, dresses, coordinating, food service, etc.  None of this is formal yet, but the idea seems to be getting a lot of good Christians excited about a way we can DO SOMETHING to help marriages rather than just sit around and “curse the darkness.”

A huge affirmation came this week.  I shared the idea with several friends this past Wednesday morning.  They were excited and agreed to pray about it.  Later that afternoon I met with a young, single mom about baptizing her new baby.  She mentioned that she and the baby’s father would like to get married and get their life in order with God’s will, but they can’t afford it.  When I asked her if she’d be interested in a FREE wedding at church, she BEAMED with excitement and exclaimed, “REALLY?!  That would be AWESOME!  I can’t wait to tell me boyfriend!”

I’m curious what YOU think of the idea? Do you like it?  Could it work in your context?  What could make it even better?  Share your thoughts!  Together, I firmly believe we can shine a brilliant light into the darkness!


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5 Responses to FREE Weddings!

  1. Lannie Williams says:

    I think this is a terrific idea. I would be honored if I could help to get this off the ground and support it once it is running. Marriage was instituted by God in Genesis 2:24 and affirmed by Christ in Matthew 19:4-5. We need to hold to this truth and set our minds on the things of God. With that being said – no one should take this lightly. Satan will be in full force attack as we move forward on this. It will become very difficult and we therefore will need to keep in mind that we have Jesus on our side. “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”

    • Todd Biermann says:

      Thanks for the great feedback, Lannie. Yes, this plan WILL be upholding God’s truth on marriage. Yes, the Devil WILL hate it! Yes, God is GREATER and much good WILL come from this … especially with help from faithful disciples like you!

  2. Todd Biermann says:

    Here’s another great response from one of my church members …

    I think this is a wonderful idea. I have heard of more than one young couple who have children out of wedlock and don’t get married until much later because they “can’t afford” a wedding. I really hope that you have at least some that are willing to meet the requirements and get married in the house of God.

    I have something to offer to the ceremony. I have made several ring-bearer pillows for friends and family. They are almost entirely made by hand and are custom-designed to coordinate with the wedding color theme, the bride’s dress style, or the basic style that is preferred by the couple (traditional, modern, etc). They are usually heart-shaped, but I’ve also made them square. They usually have the initial of the surname embroidered on the top and the bride & groom’s first names embroidered on the back with the wedding date. It is a lovely keepsake, so much more than the usual little pillows you can purchase in stores. I would be willing to donate one of these to any couple willing to complete your requirements. …

    Thank you so much for coming up with such a wonderful idea.

    Donna Goulait

  3. Monique Stiefel says:

    I too think that this would be a wonderful way for young couples to get married and make things legal in God’s eyes. I suppose it will be a challenge however with God all things are possible. I think that society today has made everything too expensive and with our economy the way it is I don’t see much relief in site anytime soon. I do believe that being able to provide a service such as this would be a blessing to many.
    I am a crafter and have many ideas for different things like flowers that would made of silk ( not real ones those don’t last long anyways), and table arrangements that can be very affordable. If I can help in that way at any time please contact me. Of course I will some notice in advance.

    • Todd Biermann says:

      Thanks for the great feedback and the offer of help. The more we join together on this, the more we can offer and show the love of Christ by our example.

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