My firstborn child, Hannah, is now a college student. It was a tearful day two weeks ago when we left her on campus. It’s not easy to let go after 18 years of having face-to-face contact with her almost every day.
However, my wife, Heather, and I are secure in the knowledge that Hannah is safe “in the Hand.” What does THAT mean?
She is secure in the Hand of her gracious Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ. The one who claimed Hannah in her baptism will never leave her or forsake her. Hannah continues to confess her complete trust in Jesus and Jesus is fully worthy of that trust. No doubt about it!
Also, Hannah understands the “Hand” illustration I use all the time… “Thumbs Up to Jesus.” Her future path is secure as she lives her life with right relationship priorities as guided by the “Thumbs Up” illustration. She knows to: 1. keep her “thumb up” to Jesus as her first relationship priority, 2. wait patiently for a spouse to become her #1 human relationship, 3. cherish her family relationships next, 4. stay close to her church family after that and 5. be prepared to reach out with the love of Jesus in all her other relationships. Following these guiding principles, Hannah will be blessed to be a blessing in all she does.
Easy to go away to college? NO.
Possible to do, for parents and children? YES!
Where is our confidence? SAFE IN THE HAND!!!
So very happy for Hannah as she goes on this new adventure!