MY Birthday Present

Today is not my birthday. It IS my wife, Heather’s, birthday. I want to publicly thank God for the wonderful “birthday present” he gave to me on this day. Next to Jesus and His eternal salvation, Heather is the GREATEST gift I’ve ever received. To Heather I wish to proclaim for all to hear…

My Dearest Heather,

I am filled with awe and joy at how blessed I am because you were born on this day. The Lord made you as my perfect complement. You fill my gaps and lift me to heights I could never reach on my own. Your compassion for the hurting causes my eyes to see the need I would otherwise overlook. Your generosity causes my tight fist to open and eagerly share what God has bountifully given us. Your motherly love balances with my fatherly sternness to give our children what they need to grow as children of God. Your quest for the new gives me courage to let go of the old. Your skills as a mentor give me a model to follow and to lift up for others. Your ability to make our home a sanctuary gives me the refreshment I need to go forth and offer sanctuary to the world. Your sincere faith in Jesus bolsters me when my own faith is faltering.

I could go on with many more ways in which I am truly blessed by you, my love. Suffice it to say, you are delight to my eyes, music to my ears, perfume to my nose, sweetness to my lips, tenderness to my touch and JOY to my heart. I cannot thank God enough for having made you and brought you to me as my greatest gift next to Him. I cannot thank YOU enough for willingly going where God was leading. I’m humbled and awed that you agreed to heed my humble plea and become my bride.

Truly, on this day, you are MY birthday present. I am the one who was blessed more than any other by your birth. I pray that I can always complete you and bring as much joy and delight to your life as you have brought to mine. I will strive to always give to you the sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love of Jesus that He has first given to me.

I love you Heather!  Happy birthday!

Your continually devoted husband,



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3 Responses to MY Birthday Present

  1. Jeri Steward says:

    What an amazing and loving letter to your wife. You are both so very blessed to have each other. God could not have made a better match! Thank you for sharing!!

    Happy Birthday Heather!!

  2. Barb says:

    What a beautiful love letter! Thank you for sharing

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