Crystal Clear Priorities

On the Sunday before Christmas, we were hit by a major ice storm that knocked out the electricity for most of the homes in our area.  The early predictions were that power could be out for up to a week.  Since it was well below freezing outside, I was concerned about many issues: my family staying warm, our pipes freezing, the food in our refrigerator and freezers going bad, elderly neighbors being safe, members from church being hungry, cold and sick, the church building having issues with only half power, what to do about the many worship services planned for the week, etc.  As I slept in a cold house that Sunday night, I prayed for wisdom and clarity from the Lord on how to align my priorities for action.  The “Thumbs Up” illustration helped me once again.

I set out to get my family to warmth and safety first.  After draining all the pipes in our house, I sent my family and most of our cold food to Heather’s parents’ home an hour away since they did have electricity.  Once I had them to safety and the home “closed up” for the long haul, I was free to attend to the church family.  I checked on the sick and needy and helped arrange for generators or alternate lodging where needed.  I made decisions about usage of the church building including worship services and other activities.  I also went to check on my neighbors and make sure they were all safe and receiving what they needed to get through.

This whole situation was new.  I’d never experienced such a large scale power outage in below freezing temperatures.  Although my first reaction was fear and confusion, it helped to put things in the order of Jesus, wife, family, church family and others around me.  As I turned to the Lord for guidance FIRST, He gave me wisdom and peace of what to do next.  Instead of “freezing up” with fear, the love and wisdom of the Lord set me free to love those around me.  Especially in times of crisis, it ‘s useful to understand life in God’s way.

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2 Responses to Crystal Clear Priorities

  1. Shari Walter says:

    Dear Pastor ,
    Eloquently put. I was one of the many without power for the majority of the week. What started as a cold, scary thing turned into a blessing in disguise. Once it hit 42 degrees inside, day three I couldn’t take it. Was terrified of losing my food etc. Apartments turn cold quickly not much insulation.
    For the first time in eleven years we received a Christmas bonus and early at that so…. I piled my dog in the car and found a hotel in Ann Arbor as ALL local ones were booked and spent the 23, 24, and 25th with my son for the first time in 14 years. God worked it out. Found A church service on tv at midnight ( as I had no way to get to one) scared to death to drive at night and felt so blessed. Sure missed faith. The pope stated on his sermon that the shepherds were the first ones to see Jesus and they were considered misfits however he STRESSED they were Looking (watchful ) for the Christ.

    • Todd Biermann says:

      So glad things worked out for good in the end. As we look for Christ in our lives now, He is always there to guide and bless in His way. Peace to you in Jesus’ name!

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