Have you ever experienced a blessing that you firmly believed was the hand of God acting for you? I had a strong sense of this in something that happened to me this week.
Last month I received notice that I was to be prepared to serve on jury duty for the Circuit Court in my area. On Monday night I checked to see if I had to appear the next day and, thankfully, no one was asked to come in. As directed, I checked again on Tuesday evening. Potential jurors are called up based on their “Panel” group. As I read the online notice, I was overwhelmed with disbelief and delight. The notice stated that for the next day, Panels “I” and “K” were to appear for jury selection. Can you guess what Panel I was on? Yup. I was on Panel “J”. Just a coincidence that they skipped right over my Panel? I don’t think so. Things like this are what I like to call “God-incidences.” Not random luck, but the gracious hand of a loving God acting to bless me.
Now, I assure you that I was willing to serve on jury duty if called up. I consider it a privilege to live in a country where we can serve in this way. It’s good to know that we have a system where a panel of my peers is involved in determining my innocence or guilt. Still, at the same time, I really did not want to serve right now as my schedule is packed. So, I prayed, “Lord, may your will be done, but I sure would appreciate it if I didn’t have to add this to my plate.”
I thank my Lord, Jesus, for His good and gracious will. I thank Him for boosting my trust in Him by acting in a pretty clear way to show me His love. I continue to keep my “thumb up” to Jesus. He DOES love me, care for me and bless me in so many ways I never see. What a gift when He lets me see it clearly.