A Spiritual Routine to Get You Out of Bed…JOYFULLY!

Daily routines are important. Setting the spiritual tone of your day is critically important. I talked about this in my sermon on Good Friday. I shared the routine I use to bring the events of Good Friday and Easter to bear on every day of my life. This is the routine that keeps me from the 4:00 a.m. worry and fear that attempts to paralyze me. As I put Jesus in His proper “Thumbs Up” position, I’m renewed in my Baptism and the living hope that empowers me to get out of bed and face the day with peace, contentment and overflowing joy. It’s ALL about Jesus and the power He gives me by His Holy Spirit.

Since Good Friday, several people have commented on how helpful my message was for them. They’ve been adapting my routine to fit their own with powerful results. They asked me if I could summarize my routine in a written form as a reference tool. So, here it is. This is not the way you have to do it, but perhaps it will help you establish a morning spiritual renewal routine that will put your heart and life where it should be…in the hands of the LORD.

Sing… “Be still and know that I am God” x 3.  1-to remember you were created by an awesome, almighty God who loves you. 2-to remember you are heading back to your heavenly Father’s powerful presence at the end of your days because nothing in this world is mightier than Him. 3-to renew your trust in the Father’s care for you this day, knowing He will provide all you truly need.

Sing… “I am God who cares for you” x 3. 1-to remember that Jesus fulfilled the plan set forth in Eden to save us from our sin by His sinless life, miserable suffering, crucifixion, enduring of hell, dying and rising again in victory. Also, to recall that I am baptized into Jesus’ death and resurrection so I am forgiven and free from sin and its power. 2-to remember that by grace, through faith in Jesus, I will be welcomed by Him into the eternal joy of the new creation at the end of my life on earth. I WILL rise from the dead with a perfect body on Judgment Day. 3-to rejoice in the care that Jesus will give me today, freeing me from worry and fear as I rest securely in His peace and joy.

Sing… “Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me” x 3. 1-to remember that the Holy Spirit, who was with the Father and the Son at creation, has always given faith and strength to God’s children, including Jesus in His passion for us. 2-to seek the Spirit’s ongoing strengthening of my faith through the Word and Sacraments for the rest of my days until I enter paradise. 3-to beseech the Spirit to again, this day, take me back to my Baptism, melting me, molding me, filling me and using me to the glory of my God and the good of all whom I will be privileged to serve this day.

Thank the Lord for all I have…food, clothes, home, possessions, relationships and, most of all, saving faith in Jesus. Then, with a free and joyous spirit, arise to LIVE in thanks to the Lord in another day given to me as a gift from my mighty and loving Triune God.

I pray your days will all begin with a routine something like this. May the Spirit of God melt your sinful self, mold you into the image of Jesus, fill you with courageous power and use you in another new day to joyfully make Jesus known.

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