Created Male & Female is the title of an open letter released in the U.S. on Dec. 15, 2017 by twenty key religious leaders including two from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. I encourage you to read it HERE. You can also read further information about the involvement of the LCMS in the production and release of this letter in the LCMS’ Reporter Online HERE.
I fully support the points made in this letter as they fit perfectly with what I teach from God’s Word about marriage and life in God’s way. “Natural marriage” between one man and one woman is God’s plan for contentment, peace, stability and perpetuity in our society. When we follow God’s way, we enjoy the best possible way of life. When we fight this way, we invite Satan’s evil influence and much suffering into life. The same is true regarding our sexual identity as male and female. When we follow the biological order God has put into creation, making us male or female, we reap abundant blessings. When we fight this order or try to manipulate it to suit our sinful desires, we bring more heartache and pain into our lives.
I truly appreciate the evangelical tone of the letter. While it points out that God’s plan is the only right way to live, it doesn’t attack those who are living outside of this plan. Instead, it treats them with loving care, stating “We desire the health and happiness of all men, women, and children.” Indeed! That’s why I invite you to join me in proclaiming God’s good way for sexual identity and human relationships. Join also in praying earnestly that more and more will be set free from Satan’s deception and directed to live all of life with a “Thumbs Up” perspective focused on Jesus, our loving and gracious Savior!