My book, Handing Out Life, was selected in its category as the 2017 BOOK OF THE YEAR among Christian Small Publishers. THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to its development. Thanks, also, to everyone who voted for my book as part of the award decision process. I’m humbled and honored to be able to pass along Jesus’ awesome gifts in this book. Please join me in praying that this award will encourage more to get and use the book as a way to understand the love of Jesus and how that love can shape all their relationships for good. Most of all, pray that the book will lead many more into a saving relationship with Jesus, our perfect Bridegroom!
Remember that the book makes an excellent wedding or graduation gift … appropriate this time of year. It’s also a great resource for EVERYONE as you advise friends and neighbors about relationship issues. You can get a copy online from Amazon (CLICK HERE).
Thanks again for your support!
I have read your book ! Enjoyed it. Passed it along to both my daughters. Both have said it was a good read.