This Sunday, June 4th, the group that recently traveled with me to Germany and Switzerland will be sharing pictures and stories. We’ll meet in the Music Room at Faith Lutheran Church in Grand Blanc from 9:30 to 10:30a.m. Everyone’s welcome.
One of the highlights for me was seeing where Martin Luther lived his real life with his wife, Katie, and their children. Luther was not an abstract theorist when it came to family life. He lived it himself. He learned and taught about the importance of Jesus’ love at the heart of the family. First of all, there must be a regular practice of confession and forgiveness among the family members. There’s also the great importance of regular Bible study and catechetical review. God’s Word is the all important guide for life in the family. In that Word we learn of the perfect sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love of Jesus that flows over into the family.
I’d love to share more insights gained from walking the streets where Luther walked. Join us this Sunday to hear and see more.