Yesterday I attended a power networking event sponsored by an area Chamber of Commerce. It’s a pretty crazy experience. 48 people facing each other in two lines. You get 30 seconds to share your story with the person across from you before you rotate. You make contact with 47 people in less than an hour. It was tiring but rewarding. I made several contacts with members of the community who were excited to hear about Life in God’s Way and my book, Handing Out Life. I’m eager to follow up with these new contacts to share more of what Jesus has to give.
Taking part in this event caused me to ponder on the name “networking.” This is a big buzz word today. I believe it’s very fitting for the work of God. In business, people network to build their business. Jesus does “net-working” to build His kingdom. What I mean relates to the commission Jesus gave to His disciples to go and be “fishers of men.” Followers of Jesus are to cast the net of Jesus’ love. The Holy Spirit uses that net to draw souls into the ship of the church. All believers in Jesus are sailing in that ship together to the eternal shores of Paradise.
Networking also brings to mind the fact that Jesus and His love are woven throughout all of the Bible like a giant net. His love criss-crosses Scripture from beginning to end. The powerful message of His love catches sinners and draws them into a relationship with Him.
At my networking event yesterday, I was truly networking in the fullest sense. I was casting the net of Jesus’ love. I was sharing the message of Jesus that criss-crosses Scripture. I was giving opportunity for the Spirit to catch more souls with that message of unconditional love. I thank God for this opportunity to do some networking.